Chapter 32: How romantic

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"Aw, I shipped them," I say, as I sit on the deck of the boat, watching Ev and Penny make out at the bow. Reese shipped them too apparently, because he's playing 'The Princess Bride Theme' on his violin while Ari tells him he needs to go back to bed. I think the twins and Hugh are actually asleep. Frankie is up here with me. She and I have been negotiating for which one of us should use my guns. To be fair, when I said 'whoever is the better shot', I did not expect her to be the better shot. Now she has my guns, and I have this rusty sword.

"I thought Ev was a girl," Frankie says, frowning.

"No, they're androgynous. I don't know what they were born as, but they identify as neither male or female," I say, shrugging.

"Oh," she says, nodding, "The music is pretty---what is the melody? Did he make it up?"

"It's---oh my god you're gonna love this," I say, fishing my tablet out of my backpack, "It's from a movie you missed while you were dead."

"Oh," she says, "How do you know I'll love it?"

"Everyone loves it. It was my bisexual awakening. I think it was every bisexual's awakening."

"What's a bisexual awakening?" she asks.

"When you discover you are attracted to both the male and female leads of a very excellent movie. Can happen with Ever After or The Mummy or even Pride and Prejudice (2005) but usually it's with the Princess Bride. Here. I own it on my Amazon account, enjoy," I say, queuing it up on my tablet.

"What do you call it when you find out you just like girls?" she asks, smiling a little.

"Fine, break my heart. It's called a lesbian awakening," I say.

"Right, thanks," she says, taking the tablet, "I assumed you liked guys. You were staring at Ari earlier."

"He has very beautiful arms, even if you're a lesbian you can see that. Also I am bi which means I am broken hearted you don't like dudes," I say, teasingly.

"Does everyone in your family flirt with everything that moves?" she asks.

"I mean, apparently. I don't know. I just met half my family a few days ago," I say, shrugging.

"And why do you steal things?" she asks, leaning back on the chair.

"Because I can. But there are rules I don't just—take stuff," I say, shrugging, "My father taught me rules. Rule number one is, don't take anything they can't afford to lose."

"And what are the other rules?"

"After you watch the Princess Bride, Ev and I quote it incessantly; it will actually help understand us."

"Fair," she says, laughing.

"What are we—oooo we're watching Princess Bride," Peter was coming up to complain but he flops into a deck chair behind Frankie to look at the tablet.

"Yes, apparently it's required," Frankie says.

"You haven't seen it? Yeah it is totally. Ev quotes that movie all the time; do they want to watch with us?"

"I doubt it. They're making out with Penny," I say.

"Oh good, I shipped them."

"Me too," I say, nodding.

That's when the ship lurches.

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