Chapter 15: The heist Part 7

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"There's nothing to worry about, just relax," Maddy says, pushing me up against a wall.

"I should actually probably go. People will be looking for me," I say, moving to casually slip away, get my fleece, and extricate myself from the situation as quickly as possible.

"Shh, no, no, you have to stay with me forever. You're my pet," Maddy says, bopping my nose. She smells like lemons. Tastes like them too, she keeps putting her lips on my mouth.

I move to move away again, but as I do, the gold bracelets fly from her wrists, trapping me against the wall.

"See! You can't go anywhere," she giggles, then she keeps singing along to 'Atomic' which is still playing on the sound system. "I'm going to keep you here forever. You'll like it."

"Back up," I say, really quietly into my earpiece. I hope someone can hear me. If everyone of those idiots took their ear pieces out I will sue. 

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