Chapter 25: Non-binary Not-just-a-friend

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Angelica doesn't want to go to her room which she shares with Bronte, instead clinging to Zephyr's hoodie and asking him to play Uno with her. He agrees and tells Jason and I to go to bed he's fine.

I text my mom that I'm good; we're going to talk to Maddy in the morning (I leave out the storming the island, fighting a dragon, bit). Then I go to my room. Penny and I grabbed each other earlier and insisted we were sharing, which resulted in Hugh texting one or both of our parents to see if that was cool while Penny and I blushed. Apparently our parents are good wingmen. They said yes.

Hugh is fighting his twins and Cassian and Peter into their rooms, the twins share with their brother. All four are trying to leave. Well, Peter might be helping Hugh, I don't know.

"Just go to sleep! Why do you do this to me?"

"You're not mom."

"Yeah, that's basically it."

"Yeah fun stuff happens at night dad."

"Like bats."

"And murder."

"Oh, my god to your room, play on your phones."

"We'd rather try to stab each other."

I squeeze past them and knock on the door to my room.

Penny tugs me in almost immediately, taking out her headphones. "How's Angelica?"

"She's fine. She was a little quiet. She wants to steal the Declaration of Independence next summer."

"My dad says I'm not allowed to do that, but I am allowed to video you doing that."

"It's a date then," I say, smiling, "If-----do you want to come with me to visit my uncles this fall? I mean August, before school starts---they're the ones who live in England—,"

"Who drove us to the airport that time? Sure. If my mom says yes, or thinks I'm somewhere else," Penny says, nodding, "Do you want to kiss me now?"

"Definitely," I say, putting my hands on her sweet, heart-shaped face. I kiss her lips softly, "This isn't getting old, is it?"

"Nope," she says, kissing me back.

"Good. I love you."

"I love you too," she says, kissing my neck. She likes kissing my neck better than my face I think. I don't mind.

"I'm really glad we lived."

"I'm glad we died the first time, or we wouldn't be here."

"That's true," I say, kissing her more as we back to the narrow little bunk, "You going to mind me here all night?"

"Definitely not. Just hug me tight."

"Can do."

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