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Back with another os & disha its for you .

Here it goes:

Since the trp ratings kept on going low for their series the channel started to put them under red flag zone.but the production house was chilled as they already made up their mind to take it to OTT platform rather than shutting down such a wonderful doing show.after the celebration of 200 episodes on the sets the news of going off air & shifting to OTT started to surface which created lots of buzz among fans & viewers but later on clarified too.since it has to be shifted to OTT the story needed to be end on tv & that day arrived very soon, Rrahul,helly & vishal trio were shooting in flim city for their last scenes & climax on tv after which the story will be carried forward on OTT but it felt so weird & nostalgic to all just like the show is ending actually.

After the climax & last scenes were shot the funny trio got busy with the bunch of iv's lined up for them.after ending all of them they came back to their rooms respectively,freshend up & all ready to head homes & off for four days .yeah the production house decided to give all crew & actors off of four days just to

Ensure when they return back they return all re freshed & energetic.they have been told about this off of four days earlier only thats why many of them already made their plans for these 4 days where most of the actor planed to go for a vacation rrahul & vishal decided to be here only with their families spending a good quality time with them,while helly & her girl gang Tanya & kritika sharma(sisters) made their plan to Maldives an awaited trip for all of them,before leaving for home they all shared goodbyes while helly hugged rrahul & told him that she is going to Maldives tomorrow morning,although rrahul knew how happy helly was to go & how she waited for this trip so long but still he felt an unknown sadness & emptiness gripping his heart.giving his best smile & wishes for safe & happy trip he started his car just to get lost in his abrupt thoughts & crowds of Mumbai.

Two souls were unable to sleep that night,one was out of happiness & excitement while other was obviously because of unknown restlessness. As the sun spread its sparking refreshing hues in the sky,his phone beeped with the notifications lazily rubbing his eyes he unlocked his phone & as soon as he saw helly's name on notification all his sleep went away,sitting on his bed criss cross he opened her story update in instagram where she posted her picture from airport.seeing her cute smile a beautiful smile too crept on his face,making him look devilishly handsome with the golden sunlight falling on his face like a spotlight.

Replying " cute kiddo" to her story he kept off his phone just to sleep a bit more.

By the afternoon he felt too good to stay at home with his mom & sister & enjoying the day with them.while getting back to his room he saw his phone's notification bar full with helly's name tapping on it,he started to view them one by one,her stories of landing in Maldives & of her hotel & sai lagoon island,chit chatting with vishal & zayn he decided to have a power nape again for a while. Waking up in evening by constant ringing of phone he saw the caller to be Nia one of his bestie who called him to join a small friend reunion get together they have planned.

Although he was not so interested to join earlier but when he found it a good opportunity to spend the time with his friends after a long time he started to get ready to leave,usually dressed up in black that he unknowingly wore white even which surprised his mother as she know how barely he agrees to wear a proper white on white attire.

Catching up with friends after a long time made him feel refreshed a lot,coming back to home he just laid down on bed lazily scrolling through social media some fan edits & messages while going through all this he saw helly's pic in a bright orange sunset colour Bratlett type paired up with white plazzo pants standing on rock looking ahead to the sea & sky."she incredibly look beautiful" he thought in his mind while he liked her photo but didn't gave any comment there ,but texted her in person & said "you look too adorably cute man ".

Sending her text he called the day off & went off to sleep just to wake up into another beautiful morning of life.

Next morning he started his day with his soul thats is music jamming on his guitar he decided to hymn few lines,spending the whole day as simply enjoying being home he decided to do a live YouTube session around 11 O'clock in the night surprising all his fans that night too he showed up dressed up only in white,when one of the fans asked that do he miss helly,he said he don't but his heart knew that its false.closing the live session he decided to sleep then only his phone pinged with notification on instagram where he saw picture of helly taken in early morning when she woke up sleeping near the beach bed close to sea tucked up in a soft white satin duvet.His heart screamed "HOT" but instead of going with his heart he liked her photo & replied on dm" you looked beautiful".

Seeing his replies over her post in fm she fumed with anger "do i look only adorable,cute & beautiful didn't i looked hot to him in these photos?" She kept thinking it in her mind.

Decided to let him that she is angry, she texted him back," 😡😠 I'm not cute & adorable all time,you can call your friend vivacious but I'm always cute everywhere everytime 😏"

Getting her reply like this Rrahul couldn't understand what went wrong in it thus time,dismissing it as her one of the often mood swing things he brushed off this thing from his mind.

Coming to living room to his breakfast he saw his sister typing something angrily on phone & throwing it off in anger which was catched by him in nick of time,sensing the anger he sat beside her,holding her hand in his he asked her "what happened my lil sis what made you so angry that you thought to break your favourite phone this time?"

"Bhai!" She just snuggled close to him & showed him something on her phone which made him laugh & serious both at the same time.

"See Vinay( imaginary,Rrahul's sis fiancee) just like my pictures over instagram but never comment openly

Just dm me or text me in person & just call me cute & beautiful.See bhai i wore this halter neck dress for him expecting that he will compliment me well & what he called me is just adorable,it hurts bhai "saying so she moved back to her room just to give a good piece of mind to her fiancee.

Here rrahul remained doumbfold on learning this .his mind & heart both started to say same thing did helly too feel something for him may be that's why his cute comment thing hurted her while she was expecting him to be more open up with her

"Oh damm! I just screwed it up" saying this he decided to fix the mood of helly but as soon as he picked his phone to call her it pinged with notification showing her photo in a animal print dress.

"Sexy" is the word that slowly escaped his mouth.liking her picture ,he texted her, "the black kohl that lined up against your beautiful dough shape eyes ,makes them look more beautiful & deep just like the ocean roaring behind it you,it makes me feel the craze for you,the way you smile makes my heart flutter so many times in a day that i feel my heart will become butterfly & fly to you if you don't come back here after a day,you look always beautiful in whatever you wear whether in day or night but you just look ravishing beautiful & hot wearing this animal print dress looking like a lady leopard ready to pounce on her feast for the lunch time"

Getting his text a deep smile with a beautiful blush adorned her face,sending him a heart emoji she will be back to him after just a day.

Unknown to each other their heart found solace that they will be together once again after a day

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