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Hello everyone .I'm back here but the OS I'm gonna post today is not written by me.Its written by jot kaur di  @gulaabiqueen_ .She wrote this RraHel OS on demand as i suggested her name to write this piece so on demands of many i asked her to write it out & she happily agreed to me.and indeed wrote a beautiful piece which I'm going to post here.but before that i have a request to you,after reading whenever you comment on this os do mention @gulaabiqueen_ as di has wrote this & she is the soul person who should be credited for this.I'm just posting it through my account.i want all of you to praise the hardwork she did on such a short notice gor our request & giving her credit by mentioning her when you are praising the author will do a needful.she told me she is not worried about credits ,but since its my duty & responsibility to brought out right person to you readers i mentioned all this & requested that.moreover she tried to change her vocabulary use for us in this ,instead of using good literature words she used simple words which are beautiful &;perfect so that readers don't find it difficult to understand.

Hope you guys like it.

While about my OS i will post it by tomorrow.

Credit of this OS goes to - @gulaabiqueen_.

 Feel of first love is like drizzle of foggy droplets on grass early in the morning , walking barefoot on it gives you splash of freshness . So light not to wet you but still there touching you making you feel something nudging your heart slowly . Pulling on knitted feelings around you unwrapping pushing you toward new world . A smile touched her face like a feather flowing in the morning air , pulling her hair in loose top knot she pulled heavy pink curtains letting first ray of dawn into bedroom . Covering everything nook of room brightening everything like her mood , Birds chirping around the corner singing New morning ditty . Clade in black pajama shorts and satin top , still looking like a adorable panda she padded towed kitchen . Grabbing morning coffee she switched on music system , dulcet voice came to life gracing cold air around her . Dancing around her , kissing her slowly encircling her in warmness of love . Moving swaying around in her living room lost in her thoughts , chasing Crepuscular rays painting gold , heart pumping under spectrum in lazy pace . 

Her line of thinking came to abrupt end with the ring of doorbell . Lowering melodic ditty , she dropped her coffee mug in sink on her way to main door . A big black box came in her line of view closed with Royal blue ribbon finished with big black bow on the top , smaller box sitting on the top of big black box again wrapped in same ribbon . "Mam , we are here to drop your evening dress , as per instructions" delivery person 

smiled at her waiting for her to respond. She acknowledged him with smile "thank you"signing paper she took stack of two box closing door with her right foot . Dropping box on glass coffee table in living room , she walked toward her bedroom looking for her phone . Where it could be she though , last night she fell asleep while talking to him . So it should be somewhere in those tangled bedsheets crying for help . She laughed on her own PJ . If he was here he would have surly said "bad PJ Hellu" laughing on her own nonsense she pulled off bed sheets dropping them on wooden floor . There it is , right in the middle of the bed . Unlocking phone , His picture greeted her on home screen smiling back at her eyes full of mischievous full of life , making her heart go in Frenzy . How much she miss him , it hurts bad . But few hours and he will be here in person for her to give him bear hugs . Even though it's for few hours but sometime few drops are enough to quench your thirst . His presence in her life is like water in desert , providing solace to her heart . " wearing black today" typing away she dropped her phone on bed not waiting for his reply .

By the time she got fresh she was late in swiftness she collected her evening dress and other belonging on her way out forgetting her phone behind still on bed , forgotten . On other side he checked his phone 100 times still no reply . "Where she is, sometime she is so ignorant" he thought loudly . Once he meet her , he going to give her earful . He grumbled like a five year old securing phone in his back pocket he grabbed his black blazer along with white sneakers.

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