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Hello everyone.once again I'm here with another Rrahel OS this time the os is based on real & imagination both together as i have decided to write on helly's lonavala visit & rrahul's tracking clubbing these two incidents together.hope i can do justic to it.

Many of their fans always complain that they both are same in the aspect of ignoring each other too as they dont like each other's photos that frequently & even don't comment.but eventually this is not the whole thing on which a relation should be judged,yeah sometimes it does ,but not always.but the thing that is unknown to their fans is the level of understanding they both share,even their silence talk volume even if their words disappear,the small yet the intense eye lock they share transpire through the souls ,so even if they don't like or comment in each other's photos they both keep track of each other's life in whatever they indulge or wherever they go.

Returning after shooting for her YouTube ,she called by her manager cum PR Nidhi who told her about the promotion event by Mercedes which will be in lonavala by the weekend.she told her along with many actors she too is approached for the event & since its a two day trip & destination event even families can come.learning all the details a soft smile crept on her face as she indeed needed such a outing to refresh her body & mind & going to lonavala in this monsoon that too with family is just like dream come true ,not giving it any more second thought she said yes for the event & Nidhi hanged up the call stating she will share the confirmation with the sponsors & inform her about more details related to it

Heaving a sigh she just closed her eyes resting her head on head rest of car,the day was too chaotic for her but this one news brought calm to her. While on the other hand somewhere in the hills of uttarakhand a home in dehradun was witnessing the cute pillow fight of two siblings reason being unable to go tracking since so long.hitting a pillow on his face disha (rra's sister) huffed ,

" you are just impossible,you are free from work now still can't come on trek with us this isn't fair,you promised me you will do anything i will ask the day you lost in video game"

"Yeah i said & even washed utensils of your share too,& i guess that's more than enough i did without even you asking,but trekking that isn't my cup of tea that too you & your those girl gang that most of the time keep forcing themselves over me "he said while climbing down the bed.

"Oh common bhai,its not their fault,its just you who is at fault"

"Really? Do you think its my fault that your those friends drool over me,try to flirt with me badly,check me out intensely making me feel awkward"

"Yes its all your fault as you look ravishingly handsome "

" but thats not my fault it came to me from mom,she is beautiful so automatically through her genes i got good look"

Even the statement was quite simple it unknowingly touched their not so healed wounds.The mere mention of mom & using present tense (is rather than was) was enough to make their heart sank with that pain & eyes brimmed with remembrance.trying to divert the topic they both tried to compose themselves threatening that if they let themselves dwell in this the tears they are holding now may come out too soon.inhaling a deep breath he replied " its okay we will go on trek on weekend"

Listening this she squealed in joy & run away to inform her friends.

Sitting on bed he closed his eyes thinking how things become so difficult after mother & how they have to get hold of their own emotions & hide them from world just to see their closed ones happy.

[ i tried to penn this feeling the holllowness that one feel after his/her mother's demise.that hollowness can't be filled no matter how old you grow how mature you become your heart sometimes still want to hug your mother & cry,you have everyone everything still your world feels incomplete all time,it feels so much pain to find none for you ,when you are breaking emotionally & internally & just crave to be held by your mom,coming back home & shouting for mumma has became life but the day i realized when i came back home from college that no one will come on my call it just broke me badly that day & I'm still trying to heal that wound may be it will cost me my entire lifetime].

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