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Hello everyone.don't know what got into mu heart & mind that tonight i decided to penn not an OS but a poetry piece on RraHel.I m not so good with rhyming & all ,using metaphors as I'm not a professional poet or writer i just write things either out of my hobby &liking towards something or just to penn down my own emotions.

I don't know how you guys will respond to this poetry but in case it doesn't come up as good as it should be & according to your expectations so I'm apologizing in advance for that.if it is not good do let me know honestly i will try to improve my skills & will remove the piece too if it turns out too bad.

I hope i did justice to it .


Rain princess -Helly (due to meaning of her name)

Mountain prince-Rrahul ( as he belongs to mountains)

Poetry summary- About their journey from being individuals to being together


Once upon a time there lived a king & queen

Blessed with a child whose eyes are beautiful as deer & innocence dripped

Naming her on the drops of rain

They always wished from god to keep her away from pain

In the confusing yet beautiful stage of teenage

 she choose something that would shape her future with the age

Choosing her hobby to act

The little princess left out of her kingdom to make her own reign

Ignorant of the bad world that she have to face

She instantly won hearts with her innocence & baby face,

Facing the challenges & fighting her battles alone,crying herself to the sleep,skipping meals she learnt how to handle herself all alone,

Hoping someday she can go back to her kingdom again

As she at some point started to feel afraid & wanted to be home again

But Destiny had other plans for her

Making her hobby her dream

Making her strong enough to lead the dream

Bringing up a passion in her to peruse the things

Finally she fell in love firstly with her dreams,

A princess is always made to rule ,taking away the hearts of many who drool

But princess belongs only to one

May be a prince of charms

this princess too destined to have a prince

Living far away from her in the kingdom of mountain king

Her prince is just like her ,all simple & versatile

Going through many hardships he shaped his personality & got a great intellect & height

Just like the princess he too left his kingdom for his dreams

Hoping someday he would be able to make his own kingdom & will be the king

Perusing the herd choices he went in wrong field 

but as soon as he realized his dream leaving all inhabitantions he set off for city of dreams

Just like dreams life is never beautiful as it seem

Its just full of struggles which sometimes make you fall weak

He too is a human even if he is a princess

Falling to the failures he never gave up his fighting spirits & skills

With his talent he started to get recognition & a place where he belong in his dreams

A part of his dreams started to get fulfilled making him more confident for the further win

Destiny bounded them together but they were ignorant of the thing,

While the dreams of princess are coming true

She got her share of fame & name all due to the hard work she did

While the Prince was drowning in self underestimation after having few wins

Thinking to not fight anymore he decided to go back his home

But how could destiny let him go

Holding his hand destiny brought him to the place where he will meet her & there story will flow

Giving numerous of test he finally passed to acquire the role

Waiting for his lady to arrive & start the drama at roll

Their story is just like Cinderella where Prince went out to check the fitting of shoes

Finding Cinderella at the last who gets fit in the shoe

Here too ,22 princess arrived but no one can match the aura of Prince for sure

Bringing out the 23rd one destiny smiled at both

She is the same girl who is destined to be his the princess named on the drops of rain is Here to be just his

As they were destined to be together they got together for the show,

Making some envious & some actually happy for both

Working together fulfilling their passion & dream they never realized how closely they got knit

In a delicate thread of something beautiful as love & wonderful as friendship indeed

Those two souls who have came long way fighting everything from the start to this

Started to find solace in each other's arms still fighting against the demons which sometimes make them weak

They may get weak,they may get distant,but there is something between them which never let them go apart & different

Indeed Destiny is the great manipulator & cupid in this

Just to brought these two together

Where the rain princess will fall in love with her mountain Prince

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