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Hello everyone.firstly thank you for your valuable responses on my books.its really heart warming for me.secondly I'm really sorry for not providing any update since so long earlier was upset on rra's mom condition then followed by her demise spirits went too low to imagine anything or write.when thought to write news of offair came made my spirits low again but since now I'm in isolation as I'm covid positive since few days i thought to start writing again to distract my mind .hope i can do justice with your wishes again.

This plot is basically on the absence of rra from the show & the feeling of longing for him by someone .i think you might have guessed it till now whom i m talking about.

The weather was pleasant,slow soft & cool breeze was blowing,there were group of few grey clouds that covered the sky turning the day look like night.the roars of thunderstorms can be heard indicating it might rain anytime.

Sipping her black coffee she was standing near her window watching out the beauty of nature & the call of impending rain.everything is going perfect in her life still she feel something left out which can't be replaced with anything anytime but unable to understand that it actually means.sighing off she looked at the garden where her other co actors can be seen enjoying the weather with so much glee but on the other hand she is just standing here alone feeling like she lost her true zeal.

She saw how happily nikita & chandni are playing around elephant sculptures there & clicking random photos,while meenakshi ji was sitting in the natural serenity enjoying the play of these two young girls & talking to her own daughter in between.on the other hand zayn & ankit who are another pair of brothers from other mother's (first being rra & zayn) satisfying their hunger by enjoying maggi Everyone looked happy but that didn't bring smile on her face,because she realized the one who can make her smile uncontrollably & whose smile makes her smile too is not here with them.yeah she is missing rrahul badly.instantly she felt too lonely without him here.inspite of suffering so much in personal life he came to shoot for two days travelling for long hours just to ensure that show must go on ,in those two days she & zayn were the one who shoot with him almost all time,indirectly even god gave her chance to be with him even if for 2 days just to cherish & make memories to go on with strength for few more days in his absence.

But Destiny had other plans,he lost his precious person his mom,that somehow broke helly too.she couldn't take the news well & got unwell.it has been 10 days from that incident but still she feel a pang of pain in her heart whenever she thinks about it

Flipping through her phone's picture gallery she found his pic ,keeping the phone closure to her heart she hugged it tight assuming it to be him & tried to feel his presence ,his smile around herself,a lone tear tackled down her cheeks placing her lips over the phone screen she put a feathery kiss on his picture praying god to give him strength to bear all this.

Just to divert her mind from the feeling of longing for him she decided to listen some songs while watching the rain,turning on her tape she tuned the radio station & the song played along with the heavy rain

Aaoge Jab Tum O Saajna

Aaoge Jab Tum O Saajna

Angana phool khilenge

Barsega saawan, barsega saawan

Jhoom jhoom ke

Do dil aise milenge

Aaoge Jab Tum O Saajna

Angana phool khilenge

Naina tere kajrare hai

Truly symbolic to her feelings,her longing for him,may be the day it will rain again when he will be back to her ,may be she will get her home back drenching in the rain happily somehow in love when he will be back again

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