Poetry by me- 10 (Random not related to RraHel)

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                                     " THE BIRTHDAY GIRL & HER MOM"

Its world's best experience to be a mom

Not everyone can get this beautiful gift given by god

A baby is created by love between parent

but indeed its the ultimate decision taken by God

Not before the time not after the time one can get it from lord

For a mother her child is most precious to her

Whether its a girl or boy or even a third gender that doesn't matter at all

But some mother's have their own choices for the gender

And weave their dreams with soft knitt ball

My mother was no exception from this

She too had her choice of gender for her baby afterall

While the society & family wanted a male heir

She prayed for a girl from the god

Weaving numerous woollen dolls

She craved & wished for a living doll

She wanted to relive her childhood with her 

& give whatever she couldn't have to her doll

Prayers of mother's never go in vain

Even God seems to bow down in front of them

The day of her birth was finally arrived

Being in so much of pain the my mother didn't let out a scream or cry

My aunt told it will affect your baby

Mom was naive & young so she obliged

Bearing the unbearable pain of nearly 20-50 bones broken at once

Not even letting out a scream or cry

She brought out a beautiful baby doll in this world

Whose shrill cry filled her heart with all happiness that were undefined

The beauty lies in this when its only time your mom smiles when you cry

The cry is so precious to her for which she can endure anything in life

Knowing you a bit more than world

She knows when your eyes glitter with smile

Seeing your face she know when you are upset or faking a smile

Mom & child are like mirror & reflection to each other

The one does

While the other identify

Indeed mom's are unique as they do have choices in the gender of success in the sky

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