Poetry by me -13 (Random Not related to RraHel)

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Dressed in his black shirt, letting her milky skin of legs on show,
she cradled herself in his arms,
the warmth seeping through his chest engulfed her form, making her all insecurities & worries go away ,
making her cold self warm, resting her head on his arms nesting closer to his chest listening to the rhythms of his heart,
she entangled her legs with him,
only to fall more in love with his slept form,
Caressing his slight subtle on cheeks,
she thanked lord for this love & warmth,
the way she loved him dearly with her life she knows that no one will be ever to do to him even if it takes long.
Closing her eyes just to wander in the lands of dreams,
she snuggled closer to the man whom she never imagined she will love in her life so much


He is the muse to my poetry,
the sole reason i write the moments i spent with in past &the moments i day dream to spend with him every time
My words are not just words
They are mirror to my heart & emotions swirling in my eyes
Just like my mother he became the centre of my life
My life revolved around him only
He is the apple of my eye
My life revolved around him only
No doubt that he don't love me
But that doesn't bring down the fact that I will love him till my last time
I don't know what the future brings for me & him
Together or separately
But wherever our fates will take us away
I will make sure he always owns a place in my heart
As love of my life
He came in me life as a knight in the shining armour
Pulling me away from the darkness that consumed my life
But sometimes he became the one who gave me worst pain
But still what's being in love without pain in life
I knew someday he will go away
It was just I was never ready to get lonely & unloved again
When i felt love with him many times in my life
I'm afraid to be left alone
Again but
But I knew he will have to go one day or night
It's just I'm never ready to let
My hand go off from his
It's just I always want to be in his protected embrace forgetting my self inflicted pain for a moment of time
I might be weaker in many ways
But I'm the strongest woman you will find
I'm ready to go off any limits
For the ones i love in my life
Even if it means me pain & getting away from them in life

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