☆THE GOLD AWARD NIGHT -( RraHel Poetry)-8

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Hello everyone

Putting something after a long time just because whatever may be the reason the absence of helly in gold awards & the follow -unfollow stuff has made something die within me.i still stan both of them individually & as RraHel too ,but yeah now i think rationally not seeing only positive side.

Well since my views are not liked by many on this topic ,& i almost stopped updating too as there are no RraHel contents given which i can penn so if anyone find its waste of time to follow me can unfollow me.i surely will understand.no hard feelings even if you do so.

If anyone don't like thid poetry apologies in advance

                        ☆ THE GOLD AWARD NIGHT☆

One after another

Awards came like clusters of stars in the dark Sky

Bringing too much of hope ,positivity & enthusiasm

in those who stan them every day & night

Fighting the world for them ,those fans were really excited this time

As it can be the last time they could see them together on stage

Holding awards & standing by eachother's side

Working day & night hard for them

Every fan made sure they give their best 

to make them win best jodi award this time

This award could be the break through

 To get their music video after sometime

So much of struggle,hard work was about to get pay back this time

When the fans saw him selecting Red blazer for the himself

They couldn't stop crushing over him that time

Thinking how cute & dashing he could look in the award night

Just like his fans he was enthusiastic too

To attend the function again with his lady luck this time

Although he had a gut feeling deep within him

That something will go wrong this time

Shaking off his thoughts he decided to enjoy whatever life will give hil everytime

Drifting off in sleep he found himself dreaming about her this time

Finally the day has arrived

Waited by all ,casting its limelight

While he got ready in his button down white shirt & denims with red blazer on

His phone buzzed multiple times

Seeing her name flashing on screen

Suddenly he smiled like an adorable child

While the news he heard made his smile dropped instantly

but he composed himself before she can realize

Disheartened with that he too didn't wanted to go as she won't be coming this time

But for the sake of love they both got from all fans

He decided to live the night for that fan love this time

Getting into the event he met Karan & debattama who know the reason of his half smile

Missing her like everything

He never let the smile wave off from his face that night

No doubt he felt bad

But he always let the smile spread even on her name that night

The event was beautifully fateful

As they got best jodi award

But the jodi couldn't make up together even to hold this title for the last time

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