Poetry by me- 6 (Random not related to RraHel)

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Firstly sorry for the crap you guys going to read now .bear me with my nonsense if you guys can .three short poetries in one post.

 1)                         "DEATH- AN UGLY TRUTH BUT A BEAUTIFUL LIE " 

Yeah  I might not wake up tomorrow 

if I get sleep of eternity tonight ,

may be I sleep seeing the moon

 but never get a chance 

to wake up to see another sunlight

Today what I have

Tomorrow I might not have anything beside

I came along all this alone

I will go away too alone this time

Craving for something called "love"

Which I was not destined to have in my life

Crushing all of my hopes daily

Bringing me closer to death everytime

You never know when will be the last i will say goodbye

May be its today 

or this moment only

 or may be it will mean a lifetime

2)                                     "WILL YOU LOVE ME?"

Will you love me ,

if I say I'm going to die ,

or will you come to my burning pyre

& offer me a wood log

 stating that you loved me enough to owe this goodbye

3)            " CHANCE TO SAY GOODBYE"

What if I don't get a chance to say you a goodbye,

better I say it today to you with a unwavering & beautiful smile

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