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Hello everyone.I'm back again to irritate you all with my not so good stories on rrahel.

Firstly happy belated friendship day to all of you, to those who are here to read & write .hope you had a great time with friends & in case you don't have friends i hope you get atleast one for yourself who stay by your side in all situations,stay loyal ,caring & loving to you.

Well when I was unwell recently a reader friend presented me a request to write on the instance when rrahul got covid & his birthday arrived which was made special by helly.so I'm just trying to fulfill the promise that i made that i will write on this one.hope i can do justice to it.

Shooting during covid has indeed became a great challenge for everyone ,including even the writers too as they have to make so much modifications in the story to portray any romantic moment that too without getting the actors being physically close,taken up as precautionary measure of social distancing but at some point it becomes too natural to let this things come so that audience too feel connected with the story & the moments Developing in between the leads on-screen.

The same has been an issue with the team of IMMJ2 as they have reached such a crucial point in story where things will start to shape for future of story & will require atleast small moments of physical intimacy i.e. hugs ,forehead kisses between the leads .while when this is informed to the lead actors rrahul & helly they didn't gave any second thought to this as they were so comfortable with each other & well acquainted with the fact that both follow proper precautions

Owing to this they agreed to perform scenes depicting physical intimacy which will be the foundation stone in the brewing romance of their character vansh & riddhima unknown to the fact that it will lead to the foundation of a bond between them too off screen which will be nameless,pure but will be special & unique in every way

They shared their first hug on screen ,when helly as riddhima was coming back all tired & hurt after the coal room incident,the way rrahul runned towards helly was something which even made the director noel sir too go awwe of them.the way she perfectly fitted in his arms hiding her face in his chest was something beautiful as looking at full moon with all rain in the sky

By the time that entire scene got over,rrahul started to feel little unwell ,assuming it to be due to the hectic schedule & tiredness he let this matter go off easily

But even after a day that constant feeling of bring feverish

Didn't fade away,he was constantly feeling cold,sore throat which he didn't considered that much grave & continue to shoot ,even he told helly that he isn't feeling well since past 2 days on which she too reasoned as fatigue & change in weather which someehow brought him some reflief but at some part of his mind he was thinking of the worst

While they were performing the scene in which vansh get poisoned & riddhima lays beside him cozyly to provide him warmth,he started to feel too unwell & asked for instant off after the scene got done

While helly too became worried for him,assuming for the worst he was mentally prepared to go through the covid test hoping his assumption dont come true,but Destiny had some other plans for him.

The reports will arrive after 2 days of test which was indeed a long period for both rrahul & helly,in between these 2 days he got to know that almost his entire family in dehradun got infected by covid & in isolation,while his reports were still awaited which he didnt told his family as he didnt wanted to make them worry more,while here in sets she is impatiently waiting for his call stating his reports ,she was shooting but her heart was stuck somewhere else.this was all noticed by noel sir,vishal & zayn who too tried their best to know about rrahul's report. By the time his report arrived there came another news a good one that on slot of 7pm amid IPL IMMJ2 got the highest trp of 1.7,which was indeed a matter of sheer joy,but its Said that when there is joy there will be sadness too,& this time sadness came in the form of rrahul's report which came exactly as his assumption.

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