Poetry by me (random not related to rrahel )

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Sorry to bother you all with this random stiff,but indeed couldn't hold my heart for long,its nothing related to rrahel but just to me & my heart.since you all almost know how lonely soul I'm ,i don't have even a single friend in real or on social media to call & share my heart,in the name of family just have my father whom i won't be able to share all this & many things hidden inside my heart.down with the fever today i missed my mom a lot ,although i miss her every day but few days i miss her a lot & along with being ill the ache in my heart don't let me heal soon,as some pains are incurable no matter how easy it will look to you.my anxiety issues started to resurface again after 2 years making me go insecure & nervous many times but since i know i don't have anyone to lean upon i have to fight my battles alone & win against time.

Feeling too much suffocated,weary due to health i wanted to just share my thoughts so penned them in a poetry & publishing here ,don't worry not with intentions to sympathy or anything just because i have no where to go to share my thou.sometimes all this kills me from inside .

Might delete later when i will get normal again but if anyone feel its wrong to put my personal feeling as poetry here this time.I'm sorry in advance.i never mean to gain sympathy don't assume me wrong or as an attention seeker its just i needed to let my pain & thoughts out

                 "Will forgive,but never forget"

I can never forget you ,but I'm forgiving you sweetheart,

thanking you for all the good things you did to me,

forgiving the pain you inflinched in my heart

You were the one who took me out of dark

You are the one who pushed me back again in it

Making me smile for many times yet you are the one who made me cry too many times

Indeed love is both pleasure & pain

As you both casted them on me one by one

Choosing some other girl over me

Didn't ripped my heart apart

More than the thing that you kept playing with me & my selfless love for so long

Coincidentally you got someone whose name's initial letter is same as mine

But remember this thing dear,

Similarity in intials don't make persons similar at all

No wonder how much you will do for she can't be equal to my love sweetheart

She can be beautiful as nymph

But she can never become Vandita my sweetheart

I'm sure she loves you,so does you ,

but dear I'm sure too no one is going to love you like me selfless & hard

Your happiness is the only thing mattered to me

So does now too sweetheart if it lies in her,

I'm gladly happy for you to be with her in this moment of dark where she will be your sunlight guiding you away from the dark

I may forgive you for everything wrong or pain you brought to me

But dear i can never forget you & the love i shared with you

 because you made me learn love is both pleasure & pain in fictions as well as in real too sweetheart

I may forgive

But never forget you

My love

My sweetheart

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