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Hello everyone.this is the 30th OS of this book.never knew i will be writing this much & will even get responses.if this book has gotten liked it all because of you guys so thank you to all the silent readers, & to all those too who very rarely or regularly vote & comment on my stories.just tried to write something which is common in life ,the distance created amid couples due to work stress & other stuff hope can do justice to it

It has been exactly 1 month of IMMJ2 has gone off air,but the essence of still lingers in the heart & mind of fans,making them Still feel the same craze about the show.

Even after the show has ended non from the cast got over it this soon.It was a debut show of many,which brought immense name ,fame & recognition to all opening new doors for them in their career

While few of them got busy with family,few of them started to get paid partnerships ,& offer of new projects.indeed immj2 will always remain in their heart,but life is the name of going on ,we can still love the things but it will be stupidity to sit idol & wait for only a single thing.

In this row zayn & khalida were the first one to be approached for new projects ,while meenakshi ji too got back to second part of her earlier done web series,while chandni & nikita got busy in family & paid promotions ,manasavi decided to go with the flow

Other then them rrahul who is spending a quality time with his family in dehradun started to look into the matters of their family business time yo time & even got offers for some nee projects to which his answer is still kept on hold ,on the other hand his lady love is busy in stealing hearts with her cuteness & hotness altogether doing photo shoots,dance videos,vlogs & enjoying vacation

She is somehow more popular than him ,but it never bothered him as he know how struggle she did in her young age to achieve whatever she has today ,whenever she involves in any thing small or big it makes him feel proud of his choice ,while on the other hand she know that the only person who genuinely gets happy for her after family is him,although in all this she is not able to spend even a considerable quality time with him,but that never comes out as a complain from him,as he is too much understanding for her & being in same profession knows the complexities of it

But sometimes even after too much understanding too insecurities,miscommunication takes place making the things turn into a bad way.somewhere their relation is going to witness the same.Success always comes with a price ,lots of sacrifices nothing comes in this world free,sometimes in the race of life its our relations that suffer the most

And whether a relation is new or old at a time in life it has to go through the testing phase.

As both rrahul & helly started to get offers for new projects which they initially refused due to enjoy their me time,while now as they are ready to be back to work they decided to acknowledge the projects being offered & coincidentally both of them selected a web project for themselves not together but casted against someone else

Sharing the good news with each other they got happy for their respective partners as well

Since their projects started they started to get less time for each other these days,even living in the same city it became too hectic to meet each other even calls too started to get less

Unable to focus more in their personal life along with the professional one unknowingly they started to get drift away from each in other many ways leading to the lack of communication ,brewing insecurities which is somehow affecting their mental peace

The sizzling chemistry between rrahul & his co actress has became talk of the town ,making helly insecure unknowingly without even acknowledgement of her own thought.the articles on them,their link up rumours started to affect her like a slow poison ,deadly yet slow in pace,while ignorant of her state rrahul is trying to manage time so that they can meet & sort out their little growing differences.he want to be with the same helly who used to be jovial & positive while he himself wanted to be the old rrahul who was goofy & always prioritized her along with his work

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