☆16 AUGUST 2021 ( RraHel Poetry)- 5

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Hello everyone.i hope you all are fine because today i guess I'm not fine seeing all the abusive words used by members of rra army against rrahel shippers where they stooped so low that called gutter things,lice ,demonic & many more its so heart wrenching to see such toxicity but they are blaming others for spreading toxicity.level of hipocracy you see.

Well leaving all this aside its a humble request to all of you,whatever social media platform you use make sure you keep voting for our RraHel as we all want to see them together getting another award & Many more things.hope you guys will do it.

I have taken a long break but I'm back again,few of my reader friends asked me to write OS on 16 aug IIA event which will be duplication of my own work as i already wrote way much before the actual commencement of awards the imaginary OS,so if i write now on real one i have to delete the earlier one.

But even i can't make them sad who asked me for the OS ,so here I'm trying to write a poetry on 16 Aug event .Hope you guys like it,i don't disappoint you & hope i can do justice to it.

15 August Independence came in our life

Now it was our wish that on 16 RraHel too come together in that starry night

The anxiety was high

The palpitations were on peak

Making everyone's heart beat faster

And knees going weak

It was going to be the finale night

Making everyone gasp with the thought that they will come right?

The clock striked 4

But the award didn't started to go live

Going anxious,impatient 

everyone started to pray to have them together this night

By the passing time hopes started to fade

Smile started to fade

Everything was getting fade but 

still there was a bit of hope that may be they will come late

The stars of our heart

Had a wicked & naughty plan in their mind

Teasing us with their old pictures & stories

They decided to keep us in dark & disillusioned till the end of time.

This made some sad

Some cried hard that night

When the last bit of hope was about to vanish

He came dressed in all black

As a shinning armour in the dark night

The beautiful smile adorning his face

The trimmed beard that made his dimples peek out from the cage

Made everyone present there go awwee of him

How can someone look so perfect

Yet in addition a gentle human to be

Facing the camera ,facing the limelight 

he tried to give his best with his enchanting smile ,

still something was missing

Guess it was his genuine smile & the sparkle in his eyes

Waiting impatiently for her

He catched up with a long lost friend

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