Poetry by me -3 ( Random not related to RraHel)

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Sorry to everyone as instead of doing any update on my stories I'm just writing pieces of poetry here but can't help all this is coming too naturally if you guys feel offended by this or want to stop me do let me know sincerely i will try not to post poetries if you guys feel offended any way.

Well maximum time when i write any quote or poetry i take myself only as the subject of it.people may call it selfishness or self obsession but i feel comfortable to imagine few things on myself & while writing true feelings of mine it won't turn out good if i use third person as subject to express my real incidents & feelings.

So here too in this poetries the "SHE" is ME only .you can find even the similarities with my profile picture too as my dress up in that matches the description in my poetry

So here it goes ,sorry in advance if you guys find it crap.

                                  "THE GIRL IN WHITE"

Rain rain go away take this pain away

Drenching in the drizzle she looked like nothing more than an angel

Dressed in white,rain drops dripping through her frame

Causing the fabric to stick at her curves

Making her look a nymph of heaven soaked in the rain

Although she is a beauty

But she is in pain

Her red painted lips uttered nothing but

 just quivered under the coldness of rain

Her eyes are big & beautiful just like lotus petals

 fully bloomed in the lake

Her milky skin glisten against the droplets 

making it glow like a grass with dew drops after the rain

The cold breeze passed through her

 making her a bit shiver in the rain

Wrapping her arms around herself 

she tried to hug herself back 

trying to shed the feeling of cold aloofness go away

Missing the warmth of love

She stood drenched in the rain

Loveless again

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