☆MOUNTAINS!!! MY AMOUR (RraHel poetry)- 4

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Based on the latest vacation on helly in leh.



Amour-french word,meaning lover

Summary-being in nature around the mountains whom they love still missing each other like a part of them is gone away on world tour.

            "MOUNTAINS!!! MY AMOUR"

Sitting on the rock she looked at the dancing waves

Making her heart go flutter with every crash of waves

Surrounded by the serenity of nature

Loaded with peace at the back 

still her soul is wondering somewhere with something in lack

Longing for her mate

Longing for the soft kiss on forehead

She missed him so much in these few days,

Snow covered mountains always attracted her to the core,

May be its the conspiracy of her destiny

Who wanted her to be his mountainous amour

Caressing his picture softly

she planted a soft kiss on it

Bringing it closer to her heart 

She just prayed for him,

Away from her

Away from the snow

In the vicinity of hills covered with green 

luscious forests to the peak for show

He looked up at the moon adorning the night sky ,

stars adding glory to it

While the pole star reminded him of his sweetheart 

who asked a promise from him

No matter where they go

Where destiny will take them

They will fight against all odds

Trying for their love to win

A smile adorned his face when he looked at her happy face

Indeed she is both sun & moon of his life

Who took away the darkness with the light of laughter & love in it.

Far away from both somewhere in the space god smiled

Looking at their children who are in love still live in deny

NOTE-if don't like in advance I'm sorry

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