35. Rikiya

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I have been standing outside Overhaul's door for about 2 hours now and nothing has happened. I get it's important, but Overhaul can take care of himself! I just want to move!

"The new guys are so cute!"

I turned my attention to the voice. There were 2 girls, probably gossiping around.

"I know!" the other one said. She had blond hair unlike the other one who had blue eyes.

"So, I talked to him, and I think he likes me!"

"Oh! What's his name!"


I held a laugh in. Tengai? Liking a woman? No way! Plus, he's with my bro Rappa.

"Amy! You should ask the other new guy! Maybe he knows something!"

The two girls made their way over to me, "What's your name? I'm Rachel! This is Amy!" Blondy said.


"Nice to meet you Rikiya! Amy has a question to ask you."

"Hello, Rikiya. I was wondering about Tengai, the assistant is he single?"

"Definitely not."

"Oh! Does he have a wife or girlfriend?"

"If your asking if he's married, he is. He's married to my brother."


"Well, that's cool! What about you?" Rachel asked.

"I'm single."

"Cool, uh, do you want to go to the gym on Sunday?"

"Sure, can my brother come?"

"Yeah! We can go together, all four of us, after work!"

I nodded and they left. I don't like them,but I want to punch something. I should probably join the underground rink thing at Rappa's school. I just want to explode!

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