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The bright sunbeams make me open my eyes, waking me up. Yesterday was rough, really really rough. My body still feels kinda numb and exhaustion keeps on hitting me, I feel like just sleeping again and forgetting about whatever happened and how he hurt me yesterday. I feel Jimin's hands on my waist as he's carefully pulling me closer, making the back of my head hit his hard and exposed chest. I slowly turn around, looking at his whole face, admiring every single feature of his. What makes me love him so much? What is it that keeps making me come for him? What is it that keeps making me obey him no matter in what situation we are? It's crazy to say, that I love this man right next to me more than myself, but it is how it is, I can't change that. He keeps hurting me, but I'm here still running after him like he's the only one that keeps me living, who makes me want to live to be with him but I know that he doesn't feel like that as well. His plump red lips are so delicate and feel so soft against mine, I'm so addicted to them as well as I am with his eyes - those captivating and mesmerizing brown and warm chocolate eyes, which aren't exposed at the moment since he's peacefully sleeping. He's so special - no wonder he's the king. The scenario from yesterday night suddenly flashes back into my head, making me tear up a little but I manage to hold the tears back. He hurt me real bad. He acted so scarily, I feared him so much. Why can't he just treat me right? Why can't he just treat me like a normal human being? 

Why is my life so miserable, I don't really get it. What did I even do to get treated like this by someone I truly love with my entire heart? All of this is just complicated and hard to understand. I shouldn't love him like this, I shouldn't have put him as my priority. I regret every single thing. The butterflies, giving affection and feeling love towards the king. I feel hatred towards myself. I feel like killing and ripping myself apart for what I'm feeling. I should actually run away from this castle and just leave everything behind. My tears, my heart, and my feelings which I have invented. He's the cause of me being so broken. I hate him and still love him at the same time, which is also a mistake, of course. I sigh at my thoughts. After getting treated by the nurse here in the palace, I decided to take some fresh air as I'm now standing on the huge terrace, enjoying the wind blowing my skin. Why do I feel so caged? I've been feeling like this pretty often, actually - ever since Jimin punished me in that basement. I feel so scared of him. I miss the old him, the sweet and delicate one. I wonder why he even changed like that and especially why into the bad? I don't know if this is correct, but he might've changed when he saw me and Taehyung together - the day I first got to meet the prince.

That's not even a reason to treat me like that. He might have the right to do that since he's the king, but I'm so tired of getting hurt like that - mentally and physically. I wonder how my life would've been if my father didn't sell me to King Jimin. Would I be happy? Would I feel like how I do right now at this very moment? I wish I could know. All I want to do is sleep and drift off for a long time until I feel better and fit again. I can't believe Jimin actually used a knife on me like that, that's honestly something I wouldn't have expected from him. That was obviously a bit too much of a punishment. I sigh once again, out of exhaustion. Why me? Why can't he just make another maid his novelty? I close my eyes for a moment, seeking peace and quiet when there's a familiar voice interrupting me. "Hey, Y/N," I open my eyes and look beside me, only to see one of the new maids.

She must be close friends with Ophelia, I see them often together and I think they're even from the same village. Marie seems a bit nicer to me though, Ophelia is a fury, unlike the other one. "Hey," I say and cross my arms over the think rail of the terrace. What does she even want? We never really interacted with each other. "I know what's going on between you and the king," She confesses out of a blue, but knowing that she knows about us, doesn't surprise me anymore. I don't know any kind of rule, that says that you can not have an affair with the king. It's actually up to me if I give in or not. "Okay, so?" I question, clearly uninterested about what she wants to say as I scoff mentally. "Ophelia also likes him," Who said that I like him? I never spilled my feelings out to those maids and I'd never. It also could have been Ophelia who decided to spread that rumor which is not actually a rumor, well not a false rumor for sure. "Okay, so what?" I reply, not in the mood for this whole gossiping. "Ophelia and I were pretty good friends but she changed into a type of imperious person which I actually didn't mind at first but she actually made me quit my connection to her," I frown as she says that. "Why," I ask her curiously as I'm now staring at the brunette girl. 

"She just couldn't stop talking about you and how much she actually hates you for stealing him," She giggles and pronounces the word "Stealing" in an ironic type of way. She's not that worse actually. "That's the reason why. I literally got so tired of her," She chuckles and views the huge green place in the backyard. "Did you know that there's a coronation going to take place, here in the castle?" The both of us walk down the stairs as we're on our way to the dining hall which is reserved for the maids. I shook my head at her question. "No, I didn't. Who is going to get crowned?" I ask her, holding onto the rail. Marie must be thinking as she doesn't say anything. "Prince Taehyung!" She answers, making me instantly stop in my tracks. No no no please no! My eyes slightly widen. "O-Oh really? Do the maids have to attend the ceremony? Because I-" "I don't really know actually, we might find that out on Sunday so we can get prepared in time," I take a deep breath as soon as we arrive in the dining hall. I sit next to Miranda while Marie Leonhardt sits in front of me, chatting with Elizabeth who sits two seats beside me. 

"This is so delicious!" Miranda praises the food as she shoves a spoon full of mashed potatoes in her mouth, chewing happily, making me giggle at her cuteness. "Can't you eat decently? You're disgusting," Ophelia suddenly commends as she looks at her arrogantly, making her immediately swallow down her food and make her pout. I roll my eyes at the girl sitting at the end of the table. "Are you kidding me? Let her be," I sternly say and glare at her as well as rage fills my whole body. The girls at the table become silenced after I say that. "Oh my god, shut the hell up, you slut. I didn't talk to you," She responds back in the same tone. "I don't fucking care who you were talking to, respect Miranda or I'll report you-" She cuts me off as she crosses her arms over her chest. "To whom, hm? To the king?" She starts laughing. "You wouldn't do that anyway. Be honest, you don't care about ugly Miranda, do you? That's just an excuse to get into his royal pants, right?" She makes my blood boil as she says that. I hate her so much, I want to tear her into tiny pieces and make her suffer as much as possible. That's not how someone should speak. Who the hell raises their child like that? "He fucks me at least," I say, making almost everyone gasp except for her and Miranda. "You disgust me, Beaufort," And before we can argue and fight any further a knight interrupts us as he loudly enters the giant room. "Y/N L/N and Ophelia Beaufort, the king calls out for the both of you. Y/N is the first one to go,"

I knock on his door and quietly open the door after I hear him order me to come in. I close the heavy door behind me. Jimin sits there on the noble dark couch, looking at me all emotionless. Your majesty, you called me?" I question and walk further as I now stand in front of him, a few meters away from the door. The male stands up and approaches me, not too close. "I don't want to see you at the coronation, next week," He unexpectedly says, making me widen my eyes. If I see you there, I'll make sure to fuck you until you can't walk for a year. I'll make sure you won't be able to see or hear anything but me, are we clear? So don't fucking leave your room, alright?" He demands, making my heart pound faster as I take a few steps back. I gulp down my saliva as I look at him, being all submissive. "Y-Yes, y-your majesty," He scoffs, annoyingly. What did I do wrong again? "Don't call me that when we're alone, slave. I want to only hear you calling me master, understood?" 

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