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I sometimes wish not to have a heart. A heart can be a big disadvantage sometimes when you're in love or when you're hurting and so much more. I didn't really pay attention when I responded to Miranda's question earlier. It's like I didn't care what words and sentences were about to leave my mouth. I just spoke out all the feelings I feel for the king, without any hesitation which makes it even much worse. I love it when he touches me, I love it when he fucks me and I love it the most when his lips come in contact with mine. But there's one thing I can't stand at all sometimes. It might be a part of him, I might love that side but I don't have to deal with it most of the time while I'm here loving him so much and that's his cold behavior. That cold-hearted persona he has. But that's him. He's that cold person and I exactly fell in love with him. I let out a deep yet short breath before I place my hand on the doorknob. I wonder how he feels about breaking my heart, to be honest. He was acting so harsh towards Ophelia when he knew how badly she mistreated me. He acted like a wolf had eaten one of his kids, which never happened, but seemed like. I felt different at some point. I felt loved and protected. As if someone cares about me, about my well-being and stuff. It makes me feel warm and somehow happy.

I open the door to my room, only to see Jimin leaning at the wall while he's staring out of the window. He must have seen Miranda and me. I hope he didn't hear our conversation about him though, that'd be kinda shitty. Jimin changed his clothes since he's now wearing a black tunic and black pants. But what is he doing here? I step into my bedroom and close the door behind me. "Jimin what-" I approach him but he cuts me off. "It's either majesty or master to you," He states as his gaze now shifts over at me, looking slightly arrogant, which doesn't surprise me at all. That's him. That's King Jimin Park. He wouldn't be the man he is now if he didn't have that cold side, I need to accept that. "I need you to do something for me," He speaks after clearing his throat. I look at him, curious about the favor he wants me to do.

"Anything for you, your majesty," My voice sounds kinda shaky and so does my inner self. I'm afraid when it comes to wishes he asks for. It could be anything. Something negative most of the time, and something positive but not that often. "Kneel down and be a good girl," He demands as his gaze slightly darkens and his eyes fill with pure lust. Oh my god. I hesitate for a while. "W-Why?" I know exactly why, I'm just not in the mood for sucking him off on a day where I should be resting and nothing more. The king suddenly comes closer as he slowly and gently places his hands on my derrière, caressing it. "Because I fucking told you to," His fake smile drops in a second as he now sternly looks me dead in the eyes. I'm tired of this. I can't do this anymore. I take a grip onto his wrists and pull his hands away from my body as I step back after. "No," I respond and I even notice him clenching his jaw out of frustration.

"I have enough," I add, angrily yet with a calm voice. This man is literally testing me. I'm not some novelty he can play with all the time, I'm also just a fucking human being. I want to breathe, I want to live and exist, but how can I do that when he always tries to do inappropriate things like that with me. Jimin chuckles and looks down at the floor, but suddenly cups my face in one hand, tightly. "Who are you to disobey my order, huh?" He whispers loud enough for me to hear it clearly. "I'm no one to mess with, slave. Did you get that?" He says and glares at me. "On your fucking knees. Now," Tears build in my eyes, but I try to not give in. I'm not that type of woman. I don't want to give in easily and I definitely won't, no matter what happens. Why is he like this? What is wrong with him? I once again take a grip of his wrist and pull my face off. "Stop it!" I shout into his face. "What the hell is wrong with you? Let me be..." Tears flow down my eyes. Not because I'm sad, but because of how angry and frustrated I am feeling. Jimin makes me crazy.

I'm so damn in love with him yet he still dares to play these games with me, even though I'm rejecting him. What kind of ruler behaves like this? "Disobey me one last time and-" I instantly cut him off, screaming. "Leave!" A sudden sensation goes through my cheek, as I feel a stinging pain appearing. He slapped me. My eyes slightly widen as I hold onto it with my hand, trying to come back to my senses. My gaze slowly shifts towards him. This can't be true. No no no no, please no! A sob leaves my lips as the scene from earlier replays in my head.


I look at her, not believing what I had just done. I slapped her, didn't I? She looks so scared, so hopeless and broken - all that because of me. Her eyes are red because of all the crying while her left cheek turned into a light shade of red, hurting. What's wrong with me? Why did I fucking do that? I hesitate for a moment but immediately rush out of her room. I hate myself. I hate myself more than I've ever done before. I might be the king, I might be the ruler and I might be one of the higher-ups but that doesn't mean that I have the right to slap one of my servants just because they rejected my order. Rule number 5: don't use your servants as pleasuring objects, unless they agree. Father's rule keeps on lingering in my head as I think about the demand I earlier ordered. I shouldn't be the king of Silverville. I don't deserve being the king. I don't deserve any of the applause and respect I receive almost every day, without even realizing it or experiencing it.

I finally make it into the huge balcony after running through the long corridor. I hold onto the rail as tears stream down my cheeks. I'm so dumb. So so dumb and stupid for hurting Y/N. How could I raise my hand as well as my voice at her when I'm the one who actually planned on protecting her for the rest of her life? "Do I love her?" I mumble through sobs as I keep on crying while the moonlight shines at me. "Do I?" I just can't stand being touched by her. I need to feel her. I don't care which body part touches mine, but I just need it. I'm so obsessed with her, I can't even stand seeing her near some guy. She's literally the only person who accepts me for who I am, doesn't she? She would've rejected me a long time ago if she didn't. I sigh and look at the huge meadow.

I'm not better than my other slave, Ophelia Beaufort. I'm just like her. I'm almost the same as her. I should be in her place. I wipe away my tears, using the back of my hands as I get back in. I walk through the hallways and by the knights as I'm also running down the stairs. I open the door which leads me to another corridor after arriving in the basement. I close the door behind me as I walk further until I finally reach the specific room, opening it by using the key. Ophelia is still all tied up and I notice bloodstains on her wrists and feet. She must have tried escaping. Her eyes are filled with fear and sadness as she looks at me. "P-Please, go a-away," Her voice sounds raspy. How could she survive not eating or drinking for a day or so? I walk towards her and untie her, making the ropes fall onto the cold floor.

I turn away from her and walk towards the cupboard, opening it. I have placed here many clothes when it comes to times like these. I took off Ophelia's clothes a day before, which means that I can't just let her go, all naked. I pick out a white long gown and hand it to her after closing the wooden cupboard. "The knights are going to guide you out of the castle," I say looking at the ground, still completely ashamed of myself. "Please don't come back ever again," I lock the door after watching the two knights that usually guard the door of the so-called "Punishment room" leave the corridor with Ophelia who put clothes on. I walk towards the wall filled with weapons and take off a knife. I deserve this. I pull up my sleeve and start cutting my left arm, making it bleed. I deserve this so much.

A KING'S OBSESSION | JMWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt