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I throw my head back and look at the ceiling after vomiting again, for the third time now. I've been feeling so sick ever since Jimin bought me here and I honestly feel so exhausted. It's so loud here and I feel so stressed, I just want to live in peace already. God.

I sigh before Miranda opens the door to my room, taking the can in her hands with my vomit inside. I feel so bad for her. What is even up with me, why do I feel so sick and that so suddenly?

"Oh, you poor girl!" She whines. "I'll bring you a new can, alright?" She states and gets out. I gently place my hand on my tummy, starting to worry. Am I alright?

Miranda comes back and places the can right next to my bed while I'm sitting on the floor. She also places a mug on the nightstand and then approaches me, helping me to get up. "You gotta rest, okay? The doctor is going to be here soon," She tells me after I lie down in my bed and cover myself up with the thick blanket as I'm feeling cold.

I don't respond though, I don't feel like doing that at the moment.

I sigh.

"Please call me if you need anything, love," She offers and gets out, closing the door.

I sink in the bed, making myself feel comfortable.

I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep but knowing that Jimin is in danger. It makes me feel so insecure, sad, and worried. I love him, I don't want anything to happen to him. I regret what I did back then, I really do.

I hurt him. I didn't trust him, yet he saved me from being killed by sending his whole castle to war against Taehyung. I must be special to him, but he's also special to me. I just wish all of this didn't happen. I wish he had just confessed our feelings to each other and cuddled after.

I miss him already. I can't wait to wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. I miss all of him so damn much. But I also hope that Taehyung won't get away with this. He killed my dad too after all. He did so many bad things and knowing that Jimin wants to end him, makes me so proud.

He's a hero to almost everyone in Silverville.

And mostly to me.


I'm riding the horse through an old castle which is already polluted and partially destroyed. I sigh. It's been two hours since I've searched for him. I even got to meet one of my knights on their way to my palace and he even told me that the king isn't in his place anymore. I feel so damn devasted right now, but I won't and can't give up.

I find a door in the damaged hallway and stare at the door. Should I open it? The castle isn't really big, it's really small and I think it was made for people to live in here just for safety if something happens. We have those too around Silverville. They are being guarded by my knights, 24/7.

I sigh and make Lute walk over to it. I inhale before slowly pulling out my longsword. I push the door open by using the sharp tip of my weapon as it finally cracks open and revealing stairs which must lead to the roof.

After shoving the sword back to its place, I signal the horse to gallop the stairs. I have a weird feeling about this. It's not like I'm scared or something, I just feel really really weird.

I just want to punch that asshole in the face and finally destroy him. I want to do so many bad things to him.

I finally arrive on top of the castle, finally breathing fresh air again and viewing the grey sky when I suddenly hear his voice. That voice which I've always hated and disgraced so fucking long and I can finally stop him and end him, right here and right now.

A KING'S OBSESSION | JMWhere stories live. Discover now