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"Excuse me, your majesty. But I really don't know what you're talking about," I state. She literally just slapped me. I never would've expected something like that but she's Jimin's mother. It doesn't actually surprise me. The woman in the noble clothes scoffs at me and what does she mean by her plans? "You're so dumb. Don't you get it?" She furiously looks at me, like she wants to kill me. I frown.

She crosses her arms over her chest. "My son is going to get married," She says, making my heart instantly beat faster against my chest as my whole world suddenly turns into the whole opposite. "One of the new maids told me what's going on between the two of you and I suggest you just to stay away from him, alright? I don't think you want to lose your job and end up on the streets, am I right, darling?"

My son is going to get married. Nothing but that is the only thing that keeps on replaying in my head. I feel like screaming and crying. I feel like hitting Jimin for not telling me this before. I hate him so damn much. His mother makes me hate him so much.

I immediately rush out of the room and run down the large stairs, making my way to the balcony. I instantly hold onto the rails as I cry my heart out as tears leave both of my eyes. I feel so broken and damaged. I need help. I need fucking help.

The wind blows my hair as the air hits my skin. The sky is slowly turning dark. I feel so stressed. I hate him. I hate him so damn much. The guests have already entered the hall, while everything seems perfectly fine. The coronation. This event is going to be read in history books when this decade is over.

The prince, Kim Taehyung hasn't appeared yet, he must be still on his way. The people are dressed in a fancy and noble way. Everyone's wearing something pleasant and beautiful. I wish I could look so pretty in dresses. I suddenly get pulled away from my thoughts as I remember that I still have to change Jimin's clothes.

I mentally roll my eyes, clearly not in the right mood to do that. Not after what the higher up, Miss Ara has said. My son is going to get married. Whenever I think of that sentence, It gets hard to breath. This is obviously so frustrating.

After getting the outfit I picked out yesterday, I carry it into his room and he's luckily not here yet. I close the door behind me, use my feet, and place the piles of clothes on the chair near the drawer and mirror. I look at the crown which is neatly placed on the heavy and red pillow on the table. He's going to wear this tonight.

I sigh and flinch as soon as Jimin's voice suddenly appears. I turn around and look at him, only to meet his cold and empty yet beautiful brown dark eyes. I'm not afraid of him. Not anymore. "What are you doing here?"

I clear my throat to respond. "Isn't it obvious? I'm here to change your clothes," I reply, annoyingly. Jimin rolls his eyes and closes the door behind him. He then walks over to me, getting me nervous as hell.

"Go on, change my clothes," He orders and deeply stares into my eyes, while I keep on praying. "D-Do I really have to?" I stutter, obviously not wanting to do that. "You have to," I inhale and exhale after he says that. I can't just disobey him. He'll punish me if I do so and I honestly don't really want that, that's sick. I have enough bruises.

I'm literally cursing him at the moment. How can someone be such an arrogant asshole and how can I even love someone like him? All of this is just horrible. He is horrible. I sigh and take off his top, revealing his chest and toned abs. I place his clothes on his bed to wash them later.

I gulp and look down at his pants. I did this often but it's kinda weird now. I look at Jimin, who still has that cold facial expression on his face. I really don't feel like doing all of this. Why did he even choose me to change his clothes?

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