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"hey sungie." younghyun hugged jisung as he walked into his parents new house.

"hey brian." jisung smiled.

"don't call me- whatever mom and dad are angry." younghyun warned.

"why?" jisung was confused. i've always been invisible. what could i possibly have done.

the boys walked into the dining room, greeted by his parents.

"jisung." his mother softly muttered.

"have a seat." his father spoke with a tone that terrified jisung.

"hello father, mother." jisung bowed, a slight smile on his face.

"i'm disappointed in you." his father spoke, straight to the point.


"don't speak." jisungs father cut him off. "you went out wearing a skirt? had your makeup done? and look at you, you're getting fat. stop eating so much. and let's discuss your attire..are you a faggot? i didn't raise a faggot."

jisung held back the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes, listening to every word his father spoke.

"you are a part of this family, you're making us look bad! i cant have people thinking you're a faggot because you're NOT a faggot. why would you present yourself as one? is it because of those friends of yours?" his father was getting angrier by the second, and it was showing.

"dad." younghyun spoke up, attempting to defend his brother. "enough, why does it matter?"

"he's out in public! and being gay is gross. so tell me jisung, are you gay?" his father pressed.

"no." jisung muttered, keeping his head low. he knew he was lying, and he knew it was wrong. but he couldn't risk what would happen if his father were to find out.

"what was that? speak up." his father challenged him.

"i said no!" jisung shouted, feeling the frustration building up.

his father got out of his seat, walking towards him. before he'd realized it, there was a sharp sting resting on his face.

he slapped me.

"you raising your voice no?" his father asked. he slapped him again, and again, and again. until younghyun pulled him off.

"that's enough. i'll take jisung home." younghyun gently grabbed his brothers arm, leading him out the door and to his car.

"thank you." jisung muttered as he put his seat belt on.

"hey, are you okay?" younghyun asked.

"why do you put up with them? why are you taking over the business? i know you have no interest." jisung asked.

"i'm doing it for you." younghyun sighed. "i'm taking over so you don't have to."

"but why? if you're not happy, what's the point?"

"and what about you? are you happy? i don't want you suffering any more than you are because of them. yes, they're suddenly paying attention to you. the company is going bankrupt and it's up to me to save it. our public image is more important now than ever." younghyun sighed.

"why? why would you do this for me?"

"because i love you! you're my little brother, i'd do anything to protect you." younghyun sighed. "can you tell me something?"

"what is it?"

"you don't have to answer if you don't want to..but..are you really gay?" youngyun asked.

jisung froze. he couldn't move nor could he breathe. it was his brothers next words that put him at ease.

"i'm gay, jisung. i have a boyfriend. i would love for you to meet him." younghyun spoke softly.

"you..you are?" jisung was surprised.

"yes." younghyun smiled.

"yeah...i am gay....and i would love to meet your boyfriend." jisung smiled. "but drive! i wanna get home."

"oh? looking forward to anything...or anyone?" younghyun teasingly asked.

"no! just drive!" jisung chuckled.

younghyun laughed at his little brother, finally pulling out of the driveway to their parents house. he was suffering inside but it was worth it in his eyes. as long as he could protect jisung, that's all that mattered.



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