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"jisung? oh my god jisung!" minho ran through the hospital corridor, screaming bloody murder.

"sir, please wait." the nurse stopped him, bringing him to the waiting area. "i'll inform you when he's ready."

"you!" minho yelled as soon as he spotted johnny. "what the fuck happened to him?"

"his father found out about you guys...i'm-"


"listen, please." johnny let out a shaky sigh. "i put security cams in the room. i was getting evidence to ruin han sangook. and now i have everything." johnny sighed again.

"you put the love of my life in danger." minho spoke too calmly for johnny's liking. "you brought him to that shit bag knowing he would get hurt. you can not tell me there's no other way than to FUCKING LET HIS FATHER TRY TO KILL HIM!"

"dude, please calm down." johnny avoided eye contact.

"calm down? CALM DOWN? the love of my life is in that operating room for god knows what happened to him and YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?"

"MINHO! CALM THE FUCK DOWN. i was monitoring them, i will do anything to protect jisung. his father would get him one way or another so i figured he might as well do it when i'm able to get evidence to ruin his life. it may not seem like it but i'm doing this for brian and jisung."

"okay fine. i'll calm down." minho sat down, a chair away from johnny. he let everything sink in, slowly feeling the tears build up in his eyes.

"minho!" chan called out, leading the group of boys running to him. "any news on jisung?" he panted out.

"not yet." minho said quietly.

"hey, he'll be okay." felix assured the boy, taking a seat next to him.

"yeah...he'll be okay." minho whispered, almost as if he was trying to convince himself.

"please tell me that shit bag is in jail." chan angrily turns to johnny.

"yes, he is." johnny confirmed.

"younghyun?" johnny asked as he saw the figure walking down the halls.

"hi johnny. everything ready?" younghyun responded.

"yep, now we just have to expose everything."

"perfect." younghyun took the seat in between johnny and minho. "you must be minho?"

"yeah...and you are?" minho asked, creeped out by the stranger sitting next to him.

"i'm younghyun, jisungs brother. you know, he's very fond of you. you're a really special person to him. it's nice to finally meet you, even if it's in this shitty situation." younghyun smiled.

"how do you do it? how do you smile at a time like this?" minho asked, perplexed.

"i've seen a lot of things, i've learned to mask my emotions." younghyun shrugged.

"han jisung?" the nurse called out.

"that's us!" minho shot up.

"right this way."

a/n: might fuck around and triple update.

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