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"thank you for dinner, hyung. you should invite us out more often." jisung smiled as he hugged his brother goodbye.

"so...do you like him?" younghyun whispered, hoping his boyfriend, who was in fact holding his hand, couldn't hear him.

"yes. he's nice and you guys have a lot of chemistry. you're cute together." jisung smiled.

"that's a relief, too bad i don't like your boyfriend." younghyun gave a small smile, looking away.

he knew that if he looked at the offended expression on both minho and jisungs faces, he would crack.

"WHAT?" they both yelled, stopping as they reached minhos car.

"i'm kidding, i'm kidding. i love you both." younghyun smiled.

"that's more like it." minho smiled.

"much. more like it." jisung gave a kind of scary smile, making his brother chuckle.

"okay, we're gonna go back to our apartment now. we'll invite you over sometime but for now, goodbye." younghyun smiled.

the four boys exchanged their hugs, minho and jisung getting into their car as the older couple walked off.

"that was a nice dinner, but i'm so drained." jisung let out a small sigh.

"let's get home and get some rest, yeah?" minho intertwined their fingers, gently rubbing jisungs hand with his thumb.

"thank you..for everything." jisung smiled gently.

"what do you mean?" minho looked over as he started the car, letting it warm up.

"you're just always so gentle and caring. i don't think i would've made it this far without you." jisung leaned back, letting his body fully relax.

"well of course i am, i love you." minho kissed the back of jisungs hand.

"i love you." jisung returned the boys words, smiling gently.

time skip~

"wake up love bug." minho shook jisung gently.

the two boys made their way up to jisungs apartment, unaware of the surprise waiting for them.

"surprise!" their six friends yelled out as they were unpacking boxes.

"what...?" minho asked confused.

"well, we figured since you basically live here already we might as well move you in!" felix smiled happily.

"wha- guys! that's a minho and jisung decision to make not a dumbass friends decision! first of all it's jisungs apartment and you didn't even ask him, second of all this is something jisung and i should've talked about before hand!" minho raised his voice just slightly.

"oh..." jeongin smiled sheepishly.

"hey, it's okay." jisung wrapped his arms around minhos waist. "they're right, you basically live here anyways, so you moving in is just easier and nothing really changes except you having your stuff here! and i don't mind, this was basically already your space too." jisung had a soft smile.

"okay..." minho was now completely calm. "just please guys, don't make big decisions for us in the future. i appreciate you guys, i really do. thank you." minho smiled.

"sorry and you're welcome. oh and don't worry, we made sure to bring the special box you made for jisung." felix smirked.

"huh?" jisung asked, confused.

"uhh, let's talk about that one tomorrow." minho smiled anxiously. "let's go to bed. you guys can finish up, please be quiet because sung is tired."

"good night!" the boys called out as the two walked to jisungs room.

"okay so tomorrow we won't wanna be here, let's just stay the night at changbins family's house." jeongin shuddered, not wanting to hear the noises they'd hear tomorrow night.

a/n: i'm sorry i suck at updating 😟😟 but imma try and be better with it.

how are you my loves? i'm proud of you and i love you sooooooooo much.

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