Chapter 22

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Subaru is confused.

He is very confused.

So, so utterly confused.

He is so confused as hell.

One minute, Mei was walking without care in the world, doesn't care about the consequences, and the next moment, she just froze. He can easily hear her heartbeat pacing rapidly. Excitement? No, that isn't the case. Why? She's frightened. Its easily notable from her face. The way her eyes are widen from shock and terror, and when she hugs herself.

Of course he's a sadist and he just loves how people are frightened, even he admits this to himself, but with Mei, he's worried. WORRIED. That's how much he cares about her. She treats him as if he's worthy, not filthy. Sure, she can act like a bitch at times, but overall, she has a good heart. She's also the first human to actually like vampires. She can beat people asses, even guys. Hardly any girl can do that. He sees girls weak, like Yui, but with Mei, he respects her. After all, he doesn't want to get kicked where it absolutely hurts like hell.

She'll be damned to the dead. That is for sure.

He can easily tell these two know each other. Or use to know each other. He has a smug grin on his face as Mei is fuckin scared to death.

Once the guy with the stupid messy, black hair said something towards Mei, her eyes start to tear up, but not yet crying as she tremble in fear. This made him extremely shocked and slightly curious. He has NEVER seen her looking like she's about to break down to tears. The way she trembled in fear and trying to control herself from actually hugging herself is...


"O-Oi, what's wrong?" Subaru ask in slight curiosity as he walks up to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. He already knew she was trembling, but he never realized how scared she is. She's just more than terrified. She's traumatized. That look on her face looks like she wants to hide somewhere where no one will ever find her, even if it means digging herself a grave and just die there.

"I can't believe my babe is in the same school as me~" The dude said with such excitement. Its almost reminds him of Laito, except his brother is a billion times worse than him. That much is for sure. "Mei-chan~" The bastard said as if they are extremely close, which Subaru can easily tell they aren't.

Then Mei turned her head to the side, and a second later, she faces Subaru and lets her head drop down, the trembling still evident since Subaru has his hand on her shoulder. His eyes widen slightly as an image clicked into his mind.

His mother locked inside a castle, looking beautiful in every aspect, yet the way she looks outside tells a different story.  When his father comes to visit her, she wants him to stay away. She doesn't want him to touch her, to not even look at her. When she sees him she trembles, she cries. What he sees in Mei is the very same thing when his mother sees his father- the fuckin bastard- who raped her.

Within seconds, he realized what that man did to her. Mei was raped. His sister was raped. She was raped by that very man who is in their presence.

He glares sharply at the man who is walking slowly towards her, and a growl escaped his throat. How dare he! This could be the very fuckin reason why she hates Laito guts. She hates it how certain people who have perverted thoughts get close to her, to even touch her. Its not that she's showing them how strong she was, she's actually defending herself. Protecting herself from that incident to ever happen again.

Now that he mentions it, Laito did say her blood is slightly sweeter than a virgins. When he first sucked her blood, it was extremely sweet to the point where he wanted to drown in it. After some of her blood went inside his system, he found himself actually drowning, and not to mention, Laito said he felt like he was burning. Not literally burning, but his whole body was burning extremely bad. He didn't understand why her blood did that, and, of course, he knew it isn't his body acting crazy either. Of course he's curious if Bitch-chan blood is like that, but so far Subaru hasn't let anyone get close to her. Why? Subaru admits that he will suck her first, but a certain lazy knew it was bigger than that.

“Subaru." Mei broke his thoughts as he looks at her. “Let's get out of here, please." She begged, trying not too sob in front of him. Begging. She's actually BEGGING. She's literally trying not to cry in front of him.

Mei is strong. Both physically and mentally.

“Hai." He agrees softly.

“Aww~ Is my babe leaving me already?" The fuckin bastard said with a grin on his face. “And here I thought we could hang out and remember a lot of things." He tells her. Mei is trying to breathe calmly as Subaru glares at the asshole.

I had enough of this!!! Subaru thought angrily as he glares sharply at him, his teeth clenching to the point he wants to kill. Then he stomps the way over to the bitch and roughly got him from the collar of his shirt and pushing him to a wall, freaking out the guy. Mei just turns around and looks at Subaru with shock.

“Listen here you ass, and you better fuckin listen good." Subaru said with anger radiating off of him, freaking out the guy a lot more. “You better not be near her, you better not be looking at her, you better not be breathing in the same direction at her. If you do, there will be hell to pay." Subaru threatens at him.

Then the bastard smirks. “Oh really? What if I don't believe in hell?"

“You should, cause your looking at him." Subaru said as a grin spreads across his face. His sadist side is coming out, and he wants blood to spread over near him.

Then he roughly shoved him to a wall, gripping on his neck, a sadistic grin on his face. Subaru has of yet never felt a blood lust so strong, and he is far from satisfied. The way the bastard is struggling to get air to his lungs is a wonderful feeling. Then an idea popped into his mind.

Suddenly, Subaru picked up the guy since he still gripping on his throat, and harshly threw him to the ground, causing the guy to gasp for air.

Subaru smirks, feeling superior. "Don't listen to me, I will kill you." He threatens with a sharp glare on his face, which would make death itself terrified of him. Then he turns around and walks towards Mei, who is looking at him with shock. Before she could say anything, Subaru then lightly grips on her left wrist and drags her along with him to go to the limo. If the limo left, he could just fly them back to the mansion, though Reiji would get pissed. Not that it matters.

Subaru... Mei thought to herself. She felt herself smile a bit as she felt protected by him. At least Hayato won't be able to go near her, not even in meters.

"Thanks." Mei said under her breath, but he heard her perfectly.

"If he gets close to you, don't hesitate to call." He said, not looking at her as they kept on walking. Then he turns his head to the side, a soft smile spread across his face as he said, "You are like my sister after all." After saying that, he looks forward as Mei's eyes look at him with surprise. She NEVER saw him smile like that before. He would smirk, and blush like the tsundere that he is, but to smile like that, it is very shocking.

Like a sister huh? Mei thought to herself. She would ask him right now about why he see's her as a sister, but when they got out of the school, they limo was still there, which is a good thing. Minutes later, they sit down next to each other with Yui on his left as Mei is in between Shuu and Subaru, who have their eyes closed with their arms crossed over their chests. Ayato, along with Kanato, is merely looking at the two who have similar personalities with curiosity. Though they are glancing more at Mei since she's wearing Shuu's jacket. Reiji is just reading his book that he has yet to finish.


Short, but great ehh~

tht was sweet what Subaru did huh?

comments comments comments!!! :)

until the next chapter!

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