Chapter 17

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Right at this moment, I'm driving my motorcycle with Yui behind me. Its already late afternoon, meaning not only cares will be around me, people will stare since there are to females on a motorcycle. I'm not scared, on the contrary, but I can easily tell Yui is since she sometimes tightens her hold on my waist. She should consider herself lucky since I don't drive that fast, unlike some others I know who WILL drive over the speed limit.

I'm pretty sure people think we're weird since I'm driving a motorcycle, but hey, I'm fabulous!! They should take this chance to watch us!! Its probably going to be a once in a life time they'll ever see a girl driving like this!!

It seems luck is by my side since I found parking near the entry to the doors. I'll be honest. I don't care where we go. My mind needs to refresh from the incident that has happened two days ago. Stupid Laito. And stupid moon. I thought with slight anger. I should've anticipated that he would do that. Laito doesn't care at all if I die. He would only use me for a blood bag.

Now that I mention it, he lets go of me and starts choking on my blood. Either he was drinking too fast and it ended up going on the wrong pipe or something bigger. Nah. It can't be that big. I thought a second later. I'm no special human after all. My brother, maybe, but me? I don't think so.

Thanks to Yui, she dragged me through every shop with clothes cause according to her, I need girly clothes. I felt offended. Yes, I know I'm a girl, but I'm more of a tomboy thanks to my brother and his friends. I hanged out with them. They wear gym shorts, and I wear them also. Wear oversized shirts, I will also wear that. They were there to celebrate on my birthday and I celebrate along with them. Sometimes they create parties just for the fun of it. When we are going to watch a horror movie, that's when I'll be next to someone to hug them if I'm ever scared. There will be times when I feel like going all bitch to some of the characters when it comes to a movie. Seriously!

When there is that part when one of the characters are screaming while the killer is about to kill them, well instead of screaming, run for your life!!! I don't know!! If there is no way to run or something, then hide!!! If you can't run or hide for your life, then fuck it, I'll fight if I'm ever alone!!!! Though at the same time, I don't blame them because they are scared.

I'll be honest. I'm not scared for my life. I could care less if I die. I already lost a part of my heart.

Is there a way to retrieve it back?

 I don't think so...

Two hours have passed since Yui and I are in the mall. Yui bought some clothes for herself and some girly clothes for me, which I'll probably never wear. No offense, Yui, but they just don't suit my style. I don't want to break her heart though, so I guess I'll wear them on special occasions. All I bought for myself is new earphones for just in case if the other one gets ruined, a new case for my phone, and a new charger since the other one... I lost it... I don't know how I lost it. One moment, it was under my pillow, and it disappeared when I woke up, no thanks to Laito.

Both of us were walking with some groceries bags on our hands. I wasn't really paying attention to her, but I pretended that I was listening to her. A bit of time later, I stopped when we were close to a hair salon, a large mirror showing my reflection from waist up.I barely noticed my caramel hair is a bit long, almost reaching to my hip.

I do have enough money...

"Hey, Yui." I said her name to catch her attention.

"What is it?" She said, seeing her face being reflected by the large mirror.

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