Chapter 13

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Oh great. The same dream again... I thought as I'm in my younger self body, inside a forest. Even though I know what's going to happen, the flock of crows suddenly came out of nowhere, making me shriek and I start running. I end up being in the same place in where I can hide.

Shit, now I'm fuckin' scared! How is this even possible? I already had this dream!!

My thoughts are broken when I suddenly see something with fangs, dripping with bright, red blood. I scream at the top of my lungs, causing me to open my eyes from my nightmare.

I mentally groan. Now I'm starting to think they are memories... but they can't cause I don't recognise them. I thought to myself.

I was going to turn to my back, only to stop when a certain blonde was in front of me with his eyes closed. He has his earphones fused with his ears, hearing loud classical music.

My face made a scowl. How dare he goes to MY bed as if its his property?

I was about to push him away, but his soft, silky hair makes me stop otherwise.

Now that I look closely, he is actually cute sleeping...

I can't help myself but want to touch his hair. Strange, it's as if I know him...

Nah, who am I kidding?

I slowly reach for his hair with my right hand, only to shriek when suddenly the door to my room is slammed open, imeediately casting me up to sit.

I look at my right, only to see Reiji in anger.

“Shuu, I told you to wake her up! Not to sleep with her!" Reiji shouts, causing me to freeze. I didn't expect that behavior from him. Hell, he acts so butler like it looks almost impossible! I guess 'never judge a book by its cover' quote shows a perfect example.

As if Shuu was never asleep from the beginning, he casually sits up and looks at Reiji rather sleepy. He clicks his tongue and gets out of the bed and shoves his hands to his pocket.

“So annoying..." He mutters as he walks out of my room.

Ok, maybe he was sleepy after all. this guy can probably sleep even when its the apocalypse and he probably won't give a crap.

“Girl, get yourself dressed so we can go to school. Be ready in ten minutes." Reiji said with annoyance. Then he excuses himself out of my room as if it was his from the beginning. I merely blink.

Ok, what the hell just happened?

I already know what's their relationship for all six brothers since I've been living with them for over a week. They almost don't look at each other, never talk to each other and even ignores each other presence as if they never existed. The only two who I guess have the best relationship is probably Laito and Ayato, but they only talk about perverted stuff. They occationally tease Kanato for shits and giggles. Subaru and Shuu are loners, and its pretty obvious. Reiji on the other hand, is something I never expected. He looks at Shuu as if he was a disgrace.

No, I don't think it fits.

He looks at him as if he was a disease?

Yea, that about fits.

I mentally sigh as I reluctently get out of my comfy bed and go to the awful looking clothes. I don't understand their relationship at all. My brother and I never act like THAT towards each other. We were always on each other's back just for fun, loving each other no matter what. Them, on the other hand, they almost never make eye contact, Shuu merely walks away as he feels his younger brother's presence, Reiji looks at him with digust...

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