Chapter 15

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Unedited chap

----my beautiful readers, there is like a suicidal moment here, so if u don't like that, then skip to next chap----


School was boring, school is boring and will forever be boring. I know education is important and all, but what does high school have to do with 'being educated' or some crap like that? I just don't understand! Even some professors don't care if you fail or not. All they want is money!!

Why am I getting distracted?!!!!

Damn. The incident with Reiji hasn't worn off yet. I'm still pissed off... I thought with frustration. I've never felt so pissed off before. Even the triplets were scared of me, they couldn't get close to me.

Oh the irony. Shouldn't it be the opposite?

Right at this moment, I'm laying down on my comfy bed as I stare at the ceiling. I'm wearing a black, sleeveless shirt with only straps on the shoulders, along with black gym shorts. I'm letting my iPhone charge as I bore myself to death.

Strange... I skipped the whole day yesterday, yet four eyes never did anything. It's strange really. I literally thought he would like torture me mentally or physically.

Hell! Maybe both, but he didn't do anything...

Suddenly, a grinning Laito came inside my head, which made me shutter. I desperately wished for no brother to be in my classes, but I have Laito for my last period class. Laito. Of all the other brothers, why do I have him for class?? Why????? Of course I said that I don't want any of the brother's near me, in exception for Subaru, and maybe Shuu if he stops being so unpredictable, but why HIM???

Sucks to be me... Today was just the freaky. Literally, I had this nagging feeling that someone was watching me. I thought it was just me being freaked out, but luck wasn't on my side. Everytime when I look at my far left, Laito was just grinning at me. Of course there were some girls that thought he was staring at them, but I knew better.

His grin though is what secretly terrified me. That grin he has on his face gave me like a hidden message of  'I-have-my-eyes-on-you.'

I shutter again as I rub my arms with my hands up and down so the goosebumps can get away. Urh... probably its just my- My thoughts were broken when I heard something squeaking, like when a door opens. Instantly, I sat up as I look at the door with part curiosity, yet a bit freaked out. I can feel my heart beating a bit from the unexpected.

I got of the bed and approached the partially open door with caution. When I was in front of it, I stick my head outside and look right and left, seeing if there's anyone or anything.


I furrow my brows in confusion and just closed the door in front of me. 

Ok... that was just so freaky... yet why do my guts say I have to run the fuck out??

I shook my head in disbelief.

Nah. Probably just my imagin- My thoughts were broken when I saw the very man, who is just a few feet away from me. My eyes widen in shock, mix with fright as I see the very man who has a perverted grin on his face, holding a fedora in his left hand. We just stare at each other, no movement between us. He is extremely calm as he looks at me, already knowing that I'm afraid.

Oh, how I wish I'm dead right now...

Right when he takes the first step, I unexpectedly grip on the door knob, open the door and made a dash for it, feeling my heart definitely beating rather wildly from terror.

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