Chapter 18

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After Yui and I came back from being in the mall for over four hours, I parked my bike back inside the garage. I let Yui go back inside first since- I'll be honest- she is weaker than me. Besides, she bought a lot more stuff in the mall than me. I am probably the only one who can protect her from the blood-suckers in this mansion.

Suddenly, Shuu came into my mind, which made me slightly shocked. Why did I even help him get up to his feet?? I'm so weird.  I thought as I mentally shake my head.

I put my phone in the pocket of my jacket, and carried the bags with both of my hands. When I turned around, I gasp in shock when I saw Kanato looking at me with slight curiosity, his teddy bear wrapped in his arms. I control the urge to run away since that'll probably get him mad or something. I don't want to be the first to know how he acts like if he ever gets mad.

I just look at him for a second before I said, "Hello."

He didn't respond back. He only looks at me as if I'm some kind of alien.

Should I walk away or...? I thought to myself since it’s only getting freaky.

"Nee." He finally said something, which got my attention. At least he knows how to talk. "What exactly do you have?" He asks, which confused me to the core. I don't even know what the hell is he talking about.

"What did you eat or drink to poison Laito?" He asks again, but with a hint of annoyance. "Honestly, you humans are such idiots. You should know what I'm asking about." He said, clearly annoyed, which also made me annoyed.

How the hell was I supposed to know what he was going to ask me?

"First off kid, you should treat people nicely, even if their human or not." I said as I poked him on his upper chest. "Second, ask in more detail. Then that person will know what you’re talking about." I said, giving him advice so he'll know what to do the next time.

If he's going to listen to my advice.

Then out of nowhere, he suddenly grabs my neck with both his hands and starts choking on me, which made me feel shocked and mad at the same time. I did NOT expect him to choke on me! At least he isn't putting pressure on my bite wound!

"How dare you talk back to me?!" He partially yells at me face as his hold got a bit tighter, making my legs feel weak as I lose air for my lungs. I barely noticed that my knees have touched the ground, my hands gripping on his wrists. He may look weak, but damn, is he strong!!!

I need to breathe! I thought, my eyes closing as I heard him chuckle lightly.

"That's a nice look you have. Show more to me." He said as I felt a sadistic smile on his face.

Oh fuck you!!! You little shit!!!! I thought, already deciding that I'm not going to give him the satisfaction. I prefer dying than having his sadistic side getting the advantage! Yes, that's how much of a pride I have!

I felt him squeeze tighter on my throat at every second as I kept looking at him, even if my vision is officially getting blurry. After feeling like a lot of time has passed, I heard him click his tongue in annoyance. "This is annoying." He said with frustration as he releases his hold onto my throat, making me lightly grip my throat as I cough up.

Breathe, Mei, breath. I thought as I try to take in air slowly through my nose, but its futile since I'm coughing up badly for air. I heard him walk away at such a slow pace as he talks to his Teddy about going to eat some cake or something. By the time I didn't feel his presence anymore, my vision starts to get hazy as I felt something metallic going up to my mouth and drips to the floor.

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