Chapter 29

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"You know," Then Shuu got Hayato from the neck to forcibly put him to his knees as Hayato just choked himself from the air that was breathing, causing him to put his hands on Shuu's wrists, "When a girl says to let go, you let her go." Shuu finishes, which causes Hayato to freeze from shock.

My eyes widen from a rather unexpected situation, but on the inside, my heart is beating with a sense of relief.

Suddenly, Shuu forcibly threw Hayato to the wall and fell to the cold floor from his right side, causing him to gasp sharply from the sudden pain. A few seconds later, I see Hayato arms feel to the ground as his chest is rising up and down, meaning he's unconscious. Shuu's back is still facing me, but what freaks me out is the aura that's radiating off of him. I somewhat want to see the expression on his face, yet something else inside me tells me if I do see his expression, I won't like it. The aura radiating off of him is already freaking me out, so why should I see his expression? I can easily tell that's he infuriated since he threw Hayato.

"Oi, are you-" Shuu stops once he turns around and saw me with slightly widen eyes, shock evident in his face. I was right. The look on his eyes isn't pretty. I can easily see the anger that's reflecting in his eyes since I have red, puffy eyes, no thanks to my tears, along with a ripped, white, buttoned shirt that looks like its about to fall off of my shoulders. Immediately I cover my chest with shaky arms since I can't seem to get my shirt to cover myself. At least Hayato didn't take my bra off.

I went back to reality as I felt something slightly warm covering my upper body, which made me look up, only to see Shuu kneel down to one knee. Then his cold hand went to the right side of my cheek so he can gently remove a tear away. Just by his touch makes me feel comfort. Though his hand is cold, its unexpectedly warm to me.

"Thank you." I said shakily below my breathe as I felt tears rushing down my cheeks, sobbing. I can feel Shuu's arms immediately wrappped around my shoulders in a protective way as I cry onto his upper chest. I can hear him gently whisper to me, I'm here and Your safe.

"I was so scared!!" I exclaim to him as I can feel my heart beating rapidly to the point I can feel against my ribcage.

I was so scared. I literally thought no one would be here. I literally thought no one would be here to save me. I literally thought Hayato would completely rape me again, and I was going to let him since I lost every hope I held inside me. BUt unlike that year ago, I've been saved. By Shuu.

To be honest, I feel so safe when I'm around him, even if it means that he's asleep when he's in the same room as me, even if he's teasing me. When he wraps his arms around me, like right now, I feel like I can show him everything of what I hold inside, my defensive side and my weak side. I feel protective when he's in my presense.

I don't know how, and I don't know when, but I fell for this man who is lazy and really doesn't want to do anything, other than wanting to hear music and teases me.

I feel in love with Shuu.

Its not like a simple crush. Its not just simplel attration either. I feel in love with his heart. The way he holds me, the way he just teases me just for shits and giggle, the way he looks at me, the way he guards me, everything. I feel in love with him. With Shuu.

After crying for so long, I feel myself getting extremely tired. Though I felt some tears slowly running since the thoughts of getting raped still somewhat haunt me. Now that Shuu's here, I feel secured. I feel safe.

"Can you stand?" He asks as I felt his hand lightly, yet gently stroking my hair, which caused me to look at him since he's above me.

"I think." I said, still feeling light-headed to the point I feel like I'm about to fall. "The bastard injected me with something." I add as Shuu helps me stand up as I let his arms hold me by my waist. "I think its a paralysis injection." After saying that, my eyes start to see double again, which caused me to lean onto Shuu for support.

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