Chapter 36

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This is already the fourth day, and yet she won't wake up. Yui thought to herself as she's sitting down on a chair, near Mei's bed where she's currently recovering. Yui was worried, and yet she can't do anything that might help her wake up. The only thing she can do is watch over her, and hope to God himself that she wakes up.

"Nothing yet?" A male's voice bought her out of her thoughts, which made her body shift slightly to see who it was, only to reveal Subaru, staring at Mei's sleeping form.

Yui then went back to gaze at Mei for a second, then put her head down and shook her head in disapproval. "Nothing yet." She said softly as she put her hands together, making a silent prayer for Mei's sake.

"Where is Shuu?" Subaru asked with slightly curiosity as he tilts his head to his side to look at her. Yui looked up at Subaru, and responded, "According to Reiji, he's gone to meet with his father since they needed to talk about something." After finishing her response, Subaru only raises a brow and looks back at Mei's sleeping form.

That bastard, huh? Subaru thought to himself, wanting to scoff in irony, yet with slight anger. Of all the times that old bastard wants to meet with the eldest, he wants to talk to him around this moment? That fuckin old man already knows Mei's current state, yet he absolutely needs to talk to Shuu about something? Who the hell does that man think he is? His freakin old man could just come here and personally talk to Shuu, but no, he has to come to him. That little shit. Hell, his freakin father might be playing around with some woman for his own sake of pleasure right at this moment.

Both of them were silent for a few seconds, until Subaru scoffed slightly. "Damn this girl." Subaru said under his breath, which made Yui look at him with surprise. "Doesn't she realize people are worried about her?" Subaru said, but mostly to himself. Yui didn't say anything though since she knew that Subaru too is worried about her. Heck, they are almost like twins that were together since birth. Both have bad anger issues, have to guts to say whatever they like, but most of all, its really hard for them to talk about their feelings. Heck, even probably accepting them is just hard enough.

They are just like twins. Yui thought to herself as she felt a small smile form on her face, now looking at Mei's sleeping form. She didn't even realize that Subaru was glancing at her with his arms crossed over his hard chest, and then stare back at Mei, who he told her his biggest secret. Even though he knows for a fact that he is in love with Yui, how does she feel about him?

And for that, he already knows the answer. He knows for a fact that she doesn't want him, just like how his own mother didn't want him. Who in their right mind will accept him, who is dirty and a monster?

"Bitch-chan hasn't woken up yet?" A males voice suddenly broke their silence, along with Subaru's thoughts, which made Yui turn slightly to the left, only to see Laito with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at Mei's sleeping form.

Yui was about to tell Laito to not call her that, but Subaru beat her to it.

"Shut your mouth, hentai, before I end up killing you with my bare hands." Subaru said- almost in a growling way, feeling over-protective for both Mei and for Yui since this man his a bit unpredictable due to the fact that he a pervert, and a major one in fact. Of course he won't attack a comatose-state person, but who knows when Mei will wake up? Its better safe than being unprotected by a perverted bastard either way.

"Mei." Another male's voice with slight sorrow filled with worry, causing Yui to look back at where Mei is sleeping, only to see Kanato sitting at her bedside, staring at her sleeping form. He has his teddy bear in his arms also. Then he bought Teddy close to his face as he mutters to himself, not caring if his brother's heard him. "When will she wake up? She promised me that she will make me chocoflan." Then another silence bought into the room, which was extremely awkward.

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