Chapter 35

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I kept following Shuu as he leads us towards where he lives. Although my younger self feels quite curious to where we go, I have a good, and yet, an oddly bad feeling that we're heading towards the mansion, where hell awaits me all over again.

This is absolutely strange. I would've never imagined I'd be having these type of dreams with a younger version of Shuu right in front of me. The Shuu I knew was a teaser, quiet, and yet he hears music. This one is a lot more cold, and a lot more quiet than usual. Its like I'm dreaming something that pertains to the past.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but... Could it be that Christa was right? That I have blocked memories? I'm just going to say that maybe she's right. If I do have some blocked memories, then what memories are blocked? From what she told me, my older brother blocked some memories that pertain to my past. But why did he blocked them?

Then something clicked inside me. What if Reiji told Kurosaki something about the supernatural? Or maybe gave him some hints? I thought to myself with enthusiasm, but it eventually deflates when that could never happen. Kurosaki probably doesn't know. Of course I do dream of him sometimes, but if I think of it in a realistic way, that can't be possible.

Suddenly, I remember telling Christa that I have two brothers, which are Reiji and Kurosaki. Now that I mention it, Kurosaki and Reiji do resemble each other. The hair, their eyes, except that Kurosaki has two different colored eyes, and their facial features. Wait... could they be biologically related?

No no. Its stupid to even think of that... right?

Suddenly, Shuu stops, which also made me stop from my tracks. I rose my head upward as I was about to ask him why we suddenly stop, but something in front of us stops me otherwise.

There, in front of us, is a small, yet a cozy-looking cabin, somewhere a bit far from the woods, where the bodies were located.

Ok, and here I thought we were going to the mansion. I thought to myself as Shuu starts walking again, which made me start walking behind him.

"I'll get you something to wear since your going to have to throw that away." Shuu said as he keeps on walking, which I followed. "You don't mind that it will be my clothes, right?" He asks with his back behind me as I shook my head, quietly saying no. I kept following him as he opened the door and lets himself inside. I stopped when I saw my surroundings as I closed the door behind my back. There is a sofa far from the opposite side of the door, along with the beige walls and a window to see the outside. I saw the sky illuminating into a slight purple, indicating that the sun is going to come up within a few hours. That must mean I've been in those woods for some hours ago. How did I managed to survive is beyond my reasoning. Its a miracle, I can tell you that.

"Here." A male voice said, which made me go back to reality. I look at my right, only to see Shuu holding clothes for me to wear after I take my shower. I got it from his hands as I said quietly, "Thank you."

Then he looks to his right as he points to the door on the left. "Shower." He said, right to the point. Then he points to another hallway, which also goes to the left. "Kitchen." After finishing, he put his hands inside his pockets, walking to the comfortable, looking sofa. "Go to that room on your right after you finish taking a shower, or after you finish eating or something." He said with his back behind me. Then he proceeded to laying on his comfortable looking couch and in no time, he fell asleep, which is evident when he's snoring lightly. He has both his hands laying above his belly.

I can feel my younger self just sighs heavily as she shakes her head, and then proceeds to walk to the shower's, where I know that she'll definitely take her time.

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