Chapter 34

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Its already been the second day, and yet, Mei won't even wake up. Yui thought to herself as she lightly grabs her right hand, feeling worried for her, remembering the day when Subaru told her what happened to her.

It was around lunch time, and Yui was walking everywhere to try to find Mei so they can eat lunch together. Even though its like any other normal day, for some reason, Yui is feeling like something bad is going to happen. She just doesn't know what.

Although Yui knows that Mei has her own problems, Yui needs to tell her something, and its getting her feeling a bit paranoid. She has to tell her some of these dreams she's been having for the past few weeks. She's having dreams of this beautiful women, but at the same time, she knows that she's wicked and evil. If she doesn't tell her any sooner, she feels as if paranoia is going to get the best of her.

Then she stopped once she saw Subaru, who was walking around the corner, making her somewhat blush. She still doesn't understand how she came to like Subaru. Sure, he can be a bit violent a times, but he has a soft side that he'll only show to Mei and Yui. When she first met him, she thought he hated her guts. He even said that he'll kill her if she's an annoyance. She somewhat regretted to even choose such a violent guy... until something unexpected happened a few weeks ago.


It was just like any other day in school. It was during class, and her teacher told her to grab some paper's from the library. She already knows where to get the things since she sometimes comes here to get some of the assignments for her teacher's.

Geometry, geometry, geometry... Yui thought as she walks sideways to find the specific paper's her teacher needs. Then she stops where she was as she felt a smile on her face, seeing the paper's her teacher needs, though its a heavy load. She was about to get the paper's with both her hands, but she froze when someone whispered into her left ear, making her eyes widen from horror.


She lightly screamed as she moved away from Laito, who was only grinning at her. Right from the moment she saw him, she knew she had to stay away from them, which is futile since he constantly comes close to both her and Mei.

"L-Laito." Yui said as she can feel her heart beat beating a bit fast since he came out of nowhere, which spooked her out.

"Ufu~" Laito chuckles at her reactions.

Ever since another human girl entered to the house, Laito's been craving for more and more human blood. With all honesty, Laito wanted both Yui and Mei's blood. He hasn't bitten Mei yet, but since its nearly a full moon, he'll think of biting his lambie first.

"What are you doing, bitch-chan?" Laito asks with a smile as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"I-I'm just... grabbing some... assignments... for my teacher..." Yui said with hesitance, wanting to grab the assignments and get out of the library, away from Laito.

"Ohh, bitch-chan~ Aren't you naughty~" Laito said as he felt his cheeks heating up slightly as he's thinking wrongly.

"W-What are you... saying..." Yui said as she got the assignments and starts walking back as her eyes never left Laito's face. Laito already noticed what's she's trying to do, which caused him to walk towards her in the same pace she's walking backwards.

"I don't mind threesome's, to be honest." Laito said, ignoring what Yui was saying. Yui then decided to just turn around and run, only to gasp in shock when she felt her back touching a wall. She was about to turn to her side and walk away from him, but when his hand slammed on the wall from the left side of her hand, she froze from fear.

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