Chapter 8

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      Silence has filled in the air as the five Sakamaki brothers are sitting down with boredom, the limo taking them to school. Reiji is reading a book, Subaru has his eyes closed with this arms crossed over his chest, Kanato mumbling to Teddy, Ayato looking through the window, and Laito playing with his hands.

      "Hey, everyone." Ayato broke the silence, still looking through the window.

      Subaru growls. "Give us a good reason why your talking while I'm sleeping. I'm not in the mood." He said harshly, his eyes still closed.

      "Subaru, don't talk like that! It must be interesting..." Laito said with a perverted grin on his face.

      Subaru clicked his tongue. Then he opens his left eye and glares at Laito. "Coming from you, it must be perverted." He said with a hint of annoyance.

      Reiji then closed his book out loud, causing everybody to look at him. "Subaru, Laito, stop saying rude remarks when I'm around. Both of you look disgraceful." Reiji said harshly as he looks at Laito and Subaru.

      Subaru clicks his tongue. "See if I care." He said to Reiji with annoyance.

      Reiji completely ignored his rude remark and looks at Ayato. "What is it?" He asks politely with no expression on his face.

      Then Ayato looks at his brothers. "...That girl doesn't have a smell, but when your at a close distance, you can smell her blood."

      Laito looks at him questionably. "Now that you mention it..." He stops for a second, and then continues, "Lamb was already in the mansion. We couldn't even smell her until we got close to her."

      "Could it be that she isn't a human?" Kanato asks with Teddy in his arms.

      "That's where it gets weirder. She is human." Laito said as he looks at Kanato.

      "What I find mysterious is that she was saved by 'him'." Subaru enters the conversation with his eyes closed, his arms crossed over his chest. "I thought he didn't give shit about humans."

      "Subaru, watch your mouth." Reiji said.

      "Too late." Ayato said. "Besides, why did you let lazy take care of her?" He asks as he looks at Reiji.

      "It was father's idea." Reiji said as he opens his book.

      "HAH?!" Ayato said with shock.

      "Ehh?? Your joking, right?" Laito asks with a hint of shock in his voice.

      "Why do I want to make funny remarks? Besides, after we get back to the mansion, she'll decide who she'll pick to protect her when she isn't around in the mansion." Reiji said with a tint of annoyance, his eyes still glued to the book that he's reading.

      Subaru smirks. "Good luck with that." Subaru said, already knowing that the brothers don't like going anywhere. Why should they go anywhere other than the mansion? It'll just be a waste of time anyway.

      "I hope she picks us." Kanato said. Then he looks at his teddy bear and said, "Right, Teddy?"

      "Ehh?? I want her to pick me!!" Laito said to Kanato. "So like that, we can do a lot of interesting things..." He said with a perverted grin. Then he rests his right arm at the edge of the seat, the perverted grin still glued to his face. "Besides I need to give her a nickname besides 'lamb'..." He said with a questionable look on his face. He stares off into space, thinking of her nickname.

      Everybody went back to their usual routine as the limo drove the way to school.

~Mei's POV~

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