Chapter 27

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Today is a Saturday night, and let me tell you, its getting a bit... lively. I officially do the cooking for the Sakamaki family, and in addition, to Yui and I. I even barely noticed until now that the brothers ACTUALLY talking to each other!! Most of the time, everyone don't really talk to each other, hell they never did look at each other!! Now, Laito and Ayato are still talking perverted, Kanato, Yui and I talk about sweets, Reiji is still eating elegantly, Shuu and Subaru don't really talk most of the time, but when they do, it would be wanting more food.

Of course, every one in a while, Kanato would talk to me about what I prefer- chocolate or vanilla cake. My answer would be chocolate, of course. I also asked him if he tried chocoflan, and he never did. I also told him that its extremely sweet, and that I could cook it for him so he can try it, which he happily agreed on. But he was sad that I'll cook it in another day, but he said, that he'll wait patiently for it.

As for Ayato and Laito, I stay away from them as far as possible. Ayato doesn't really care about me, other than wanting to kick some vampires ass. On the other hand, Laito tries to flirt with me and tries to get inside my room, but in the end, I kicked him where it absolutely hurts, and now he stops bothering me. Sometimes.

I help Reiji with most of the cooking as he does all the fuckin cleaning. Now that I barely realize it, we do have some similarities between us, like taking care of our relatives, but unlike him, I stopped caring to take care of my aunt. Of course, I would never tell Reiji that, but he understood what I was trying to say. That's all there is between us.

Subaru and I are really getting close, but in a sibling way. I also help him deal with his anger issues, but that results futile since he absolutely wants to punch anything that's in his way, excluding me, and Yui, of course. If his brother's are in the way, well they have to have themselves an ice cold pack wherever they go.

Yui and I are besties, and in a sibling kind of way. She also admitted to me that somehow and she doesn't know how, but she fuckin finally realized that she has begun to like my little bro who has a lot of anger issues, Subaru. I just had a fuckin grin on my face, which led her to ask me if I have anything to say about that. In response, I told her no, which she believes, but inside me, I'm going to be their matchmaker if they don't get close. I also help Yui do with her homework, but Subaru ends up taking her away from me since he supposed says, 'I-am-so-damn-hungry-so-cook-food-for-me.' Subaru, I know you can do better than that.

Shuu in my view is extremely confusing. He always gives these mixed vibes. When the brother's and I are around, he just stays quiet and closes his eyes and go to sleep. On the other hand, when we're alone, all he does is tease me and talks a lot more than usual, according to Subaru. He also told me that Shuu would be a lazyass, and doesn't give a fuck about anything, but now that he met me he starts to change. In his view, its extremely strange since Shuu doesn't really do anything. Of course he still does sleep, listens to music and sleep, but he's more talkative than usual. Its probably a good thing, in my view, but in Subaru's view, its just weird.

Before I realize it, its past midnight, meaning Sunday morning will come in approximately seven hours. I feel very sweaty, and its extremely disgusting since I'm in the kitchen about three times a day, and lets not forget to make freakin snacks when the brother's feel like it, so that means I'm in the kitchen for about five hours. Trust me, the kitchen is hell, and its extremely hot. I intend to take a nice, cool shower and no one should bother me. Trust me, I can be a bitch.

After getting some clothes and a towel from my room, I head towards the bathroom so I can take a shower. The bite Laito gave me has now started to heal, but I can tell that it will leave me a scar. I don't really care if I get a scar, as long as Laito doesn't get the hell near me.

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