Chapter 38

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He is getting extremely annoyed.

He is getting super annoyed as hell.

Damn, he shouldn't even be here right now.

So bothersome. Shuu thought to himself as he ruffles his hair with his left hand, and let out a breath of annoyance.

Right at this moment, Shuu is going to the Demon Realm since his old man contacted him just a few hours ago that he absolutely needs to talk to him. What is the situation? Shuu doesn't know, and honestly, he doesn't care. He rather be with Mei and tend to her himself, even though Yui or his younger brother, Reiji, are much of a better choice since they know how to take care of humans better than anyone else. Sadly, its the truth, but that doesn't matter to him.

Shuu kept on walking on the dark corridors of the hallway with his hands in his pockets, looking extremely annoyed. As he said, he rather be with Mei's side and not be with his old man. Just going to the Demon Realm is too bothersome. Hell, anything can happen during his absence if he's not the one guarding Mei.

After walking through the corridors, trying to find where the freakin door that leads to his old man's office, he finally found it. Shuu just looks at it for a few moments, looking at the mixture of silver and gold decorating into the symbol of the Sakamaki family. After looking at it for a few moments, he then sighs heavily, not wanting to be here.

Then he takes out his right hand from his pocket and reaches towards the door to knock on it, but a familiar voice on the other side of the door made him stop his tracks.

"Come on in, Shuu." His old man, Karl Heinz, said with the same deep voice as always, making Shuu stop his hand midair. He just looks at the door with boredom, and sighs heavily as he put his hand down to his side, not really wanting to go meet with his freakin father, but he has to. Then his left hand reaches towards the doorknob, turning and opening the door to let himself in.

Just as he closes the door behind him, he saw his old man sitting on his leather, rolling chair with his back behind him, seeming to look as if he is looking at paper documents.

"Sit down, Shuu." Karl Heinz said, feeling his eldest son's presence since he is, of course, the Vampire King. Shuu didn't say anything, and just proceeded to sit himself down near the chairs that are circling around a medium-sized table, near a small bookshelf. Shuu merely sits down and crosses his arms over his chest, just observing his father, who is just looking at paper.

Damn, what the hell has this guy bought Shuu for? He's just only wasting his time.

"How have you been, Shuu?" Karl asks his eldest son with his back facing him.

Shuu merely raised a brow, getting both slightly annoyed and confused at the same time. "Does that really matter?" Shuu asked with somewhat of an attitude.

"Yes, it does matter to me." Karl said as he signed some papers that he read, and proceeded to read the other stacks of paper that are on his table.

'It matters' my ass. Shuu thought, having the urge to get up from his chair and get the hell out of his freakin office. No, he wants to get out of his freakin sight. Without anything to hold him back, Shuu got up and headed towards the door, but the sudden voice of his father saying a certain name in Shuu's presence stopped his tracks.

"How is Mei doing?" Karl said as if he haven't seen his favorite... female human in a number of years. Well, technically its been a number of months, but it feels like a lot of years to Karl.

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