Chapter 37

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Its strange. Even though I felt like I was going to die by the hands of the one man who murdered my brother, I felt like I wasn't going to die. Its like my intuition is telling me that all I experienced is only figment of my imagination, its not going to affect my actual body.

I felt myself sigh heavily due to unexpected changes in my dreams. What the fuck is a lamia something? Could it be that this Christa was just a figment of my imagination? Have I really met Shuu before? Even before I met him after my older brother's........

I felt myself sigh heavily once again. Honestly, I'm getting delusional. How the hell am I supposed to know if all my dreams are actually part of my reality? In order to confirm the truth, I'd have to ask either Subaru or Shuu, yet at the same time, I feel like I can't ask them only because one- Subaru might not have a mother named Christa, and two-Shuu might look at me with crazy eyes and will probably ask me that if I'm on drugs.

Honestly, I am getting confused by the second.

Suddenly, I felt myself getting swapped inside somewhere, making everything from my sight black out for a split second, until my whole eyesight is enveloped in a bright light, making my eyes shut tight. Within a split second, the bright light was then rapidly replaced with darkness.

What the hell was that? I thought as my whole body felt extremely heavy, like as if I was laying down for like a lot of time. Its almost like I haven't used my muscles, but I'm starting to regain my control.

I blink a few times so my eyesight can regain their sight as I see a certain vampire who I promised that I'll make him chocoflan, and I will complete that promise for him.

I open my mouth to say his name, but then I noticed that my mouth is extremely dry, so I moisten it since I feel certain glands that make saliva start to kick in within my mouth. After I felt like I was ready, I try to move my body upwards, but my whole body feel heavy, so I just decided that I'll lay down for a while.

"" I said his name, but it ended up coming out raspy, causing me to try to clear my throat.

I just swallowed my throat as I try to sit myself up, but my muscles from both my arms and from my waist and legs won't let me, causing me to close my eyes due to being extremely weak and tired at the same time. "Water." I said in a low voice, even though it came out raspy, but I know for sure that they heard it.

"Let's just sit you up, kay?" I heard a familiar, deep voice say to me as I felt an arm slid under my back and pushes me forward to help me in a sitting position. As Subaru helped me, I heard some steps going a bit farther away from me, and for some seconds later, they come close back to me again. After Subaru helps me into a sitting position, I felt some cushions on my back, which caused me to slowly go back, but I know for sure that I'm in a sitting position.

"Is that better?" Subaru asks me, which made me open my eyes towards where his voice is.

I just smile softly at him. "Yea, it's better. Thanks." I said as I felt his arm slid away from my back, and just nods at me.

"Hai hai, Lambie-chan." I heard a familiar, 'sweet' voice said on my right side, causing me to look at who could it be, but I knew better.

Laito was just staring at me with a smile as he held out a cup of water towards me, which I slowly got from his hands. Immediately, I put the cup towards my lips and instantly drink inside the contents of the cup, which is mostly water, and let me tell you, this is probably the greatest thing that I ever drunk.

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