Chapter 33

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I slowly open my eyes as I lay down, not moving. I can feel the cold air hitting my skin, making me want to grab my favorite blanket. Instead of my blanket, I have something else in my hand, making my eyes widen slightly as I sit myself up. I pick up my hand that grabbed something wet, only to see mud, making me gasp loudly as I toss the mud to a weird looking wall.

Suddenly, I get flashbacks of what happened some time ago, making me gasp again as I felt tears threatening to come out. I still remember how that innocent man got killed. How that other insane man killed the injured person. How the other corpses are piled up like trash, and a lot of concentrated iron. From the beginning, it wasn't iron. It was blood. A lot of blood.

"Why are they doing this???" I said my thoughts out loud. Or rather, the younger version of myself said it for me. And it also seems I can't control my body either, like always in every dream I have. Its like as if these are memories of the past. At the same time, I don't know these memories. Its like these memories are forbidden, even for me to remember.

A lot of questions came into my mind. Why did they kidnap me? Why are they killing innocent people? How are they connected with my big brother Reiji? How do they know him??

Everything is so confusing. It feels like all these questions are going to explode my head.

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap, making me freeze from shock as I hold on my breathe, feeling my heart beating rapidly. Slowly I turn around, only to see nothing out of the woods. I can see the moon being covered from the clouds on the night sky.

It seems that I have been sleeping for a few hours.

To be honest with you, that is actually a freakin miracle that I was able to sleep. Or being able to sleep, even though this is a dream.

I got out of my trance when I suddenly saw something moving rapidly along the tree lines, making me alert. Who in hell knows what that is? It could be those things that got out of the silver cage, no thanks to the insane bastard. Then another idea came into my mind, which made me want to run out of the place that I've been sleeping in.

It could be one of those things that has been waiting for me to wake up.

I have to get out of here.

I gulp the bile that I never noticed, and slowly make my way out of my temporary hiding place. I have to try to survive until the police or a higher authority try to find me. Though, if I think about it carefully, I don't think they know about anything about this situation. They probably never thought of a situation as gore as this.

No. Its stupid of me to even think about the police. They won't even come here.

Its stupid of me to even get the idea.

I'm standing on my trembling legs as I kept facing the way where I saw something pass by. I also have a thick branch that was left beside me as I felt my heart beating rapidly from terror. For some strange reason, I kept staying in the same place where I'm standing as I use the branch like its a baseball bat, waiting for something to just jump out of its hiding place and try to run at me so I can hit it.

I was still in a defense position, until I flinched when sudden bats flied out of the trees that they were resting on. I kept gripping at the branch as my eyes never left the bats, until I released air that I never noticed I was holding as I put my right hand on my chest to calm down my beating heart.

It was just my-

"Oi, what are you-"

Suddenly I heard a male's voice behind me, causing me to scream as I closed my eyes shut. Instantly, I turn around to hit the person with my thick branch, which I'll use it as a bat. I heard a pained groan as I heard something falling to the ground, causing me to slightly open my left eye as I see a hand touching their head.

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