Chapter 30

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"When I said not to get close to her, I FUCKIN MEANT IT!!!!!" Subaru yells out in anger as Hayato has his eyes widen in slight shock. How in hell did this white-haired bastard appeared? Hell, he didn't hear the freakin door open!!

"I make my own rules." Hayato counters, but in a shaken way to the point he's partially stuttering. This bastard punched Hayato extremely hard to the point he had to put an ice pack for a whole two days. Damn that bastard!!!!

"Hee~ You really beaten up my poor lambie-chan." Another man said with slight care, which made Hayato eyes look towards Subaru's left, only to see a man with a fedora looking at the wounds by lifting up Shuu's jacket slightly above Mei's stomach as Laito is crouched down on one knee. "Though, she must've putted up a good fight." Laito said with a smirk. He could almost imagine this human girl trying to defend herself from that large man, who Subaru is gripping at from the neck. Sure, some human men are strong, but they are nothing compared to vampires, no matter the gender.

What the hell?? Hayato thought as he see the fedora man let go of the jacket that was from the blonde man and stands up to his feet. How in hell did he appear too? He didn't even hear the door open!!! What the hell is going on here?!?!?!

"My, my. Who would've thought a pathetic, male human mortal can injure someone from the opposite gender?" Another voice said, which caught Hayato's attention as he see's the man with a fedora walk up to him. Then he saw another man with glasses look at Hayato's favorite toy. "Thank's to that human, she might just die from the number of injured bruises she has on her body." Reiji said his thoughts as he lifted up Shuu's jacket slightly above her stomach as he see's the bruises forming rapidly.

From what he can see, she's going to have a number of fractured ribs, and maybe even puntured organs just by kicking on the sides to the point she might be even bleeding inside. Its amazing she hasn't even paled up yet, or even getting a seizure or any other medical condition.

Then Reiji turn his head slightly to his right to look at the good-for-nothing as he said without any slight care at all, "He should also be waking up by now."

"Hee!!" Hayato said with a slight smirk on his face, despite the fact Subaru is gripping him from the neck. "That blonde bastard won't be-" Then he stops talking as his eyes widen from shock when he suddenly see's the blonde man groaning as he sits himself up. How the- What the- How the fuck is he even alive???!!! He should be dead right about now!!! What the fuck is even happening?!?!?!?!?!

Subaru smirks sadistically as Shuu rubs the back of his neck, only to be a bit confused when Shuu feels something wet on his neck. Then he looks at his hand where he touched his neck, only to see his hand watery. With a bit of curiosity, he licked his hand, only to see that its extremely salty. Then he felt a tear run down on his right cheek. But why in hell would he be crying?

No. Its not even his tears from the beginning. Where did it come from?

"Y-Your... supposed t-to be...d-dead..." Hayato said with mild shock, which got Shuu's attention. Shuu was a bit confused when he saw the guy as Subaru has him by the neck, Laito walking towards Subaru and the human mortal, and Reiji looking at him slightly as he see a familiar woman in the ground looking a bit pale.

Then his eyes suddenly widen from flashbacks in his mind, almost like a movie replaying.

He was walking towards the music room since lunch break is crowdy and extremely loud. When he was getting closer, he heard some groans, also making him groan from annoyance since he can practically see that he won't be able to sleep in there for the time. He was about to turn around and walk away but he stops when he heard a human girl to tell the guy to stop from whatever he's doing, which got him a bit curious.

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