Chapter 1

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     "Hey Mei..." I hear a little boy, echoing my name. I looked everywhere to find the voice. After a few minutes, I finally found it, only to be surprised  when I saw my younger self smiling and laughing with two other unknown kids. I can see her silky, shoulder-length caramel hair with sparkling, amethyst eyes, which fit perfectly with her bright smile. Then I stared at the two unknown kids. I could see their smiles, but not their eyes. Probably because I'm at a distance from them.

     When I took a step forward, the three of them disappeared like dust that was blown from the wind.

     They were just there a second ago....

     Then I heard a scream, which made me jump since it was unexpected. I fastly turned around to see what happened. My eyes widen in shock when I see lean, tall trees everywhere.

     How did I even get here?!

     Suddenly I heard something fastly running towards me. I freaked out to the point where my legs won't budge. Seconds later, my younger self went right through me, as if I was a ghost. I turn my head to the side, wandering what is she running away from. I decided to follow her.

     After following her for so long, she decided to hide herself where logs are stacked in an angle. I can hear her panting, looking extremely frightened. She was whispering something to herself, but I don't know what. I find it ironic because I'm at a close distance towards her. I noticed she has her clothes enveloped in red liquid. Her hands are in crimson red.

     Is that...blood?

     Out of nowhere, I heard a twig cracked, which made me freeze. I wanted to look what's behind me, yet I'm scared to look. I closed my eyes breathing in air, to get courage to look what's behind me. I opened my eyes as I fastly turned around, only to see something with fangs with blood dripping from its mouth.

     I yelled at the top of my lungs at I fastly sat up in my bed. I quickly look at my surroundings, only to see my room with white walls instead of the forest. It would be too weird if I found myself sitting on my bed, surrounded by trees, wouldn't it?

     I put the palm of my right hand on my forehead, trying to control my breathing, telling myself that there is no danger. I look at my shaking, left hand, noticing that I was sweating in my sleep. Has that ever happened to you?

     I sighed and look at the time from my iPhone5.

     -6:30 AM-

     "It's morning." I say to myself. Then I stretched my arms above my head as a yawn escaped my lips. "And a nightmare." I say to myself as I got out of my bed.

     What the hell was that about? I thought as I remember the freaky dream that keeps repeating. I shrugged it off as I decide to take a shower. After all, I am sweaty and I hate the feeling of being sweaty.

     That's probably the 10th time I drempt that dream. I thought to myself. Then I thought of a conclusion to why I would keep on dreaming. Probaly cause I am watching way too many movies. You've been studying this whole month, you idiot. You don't have time to watch movies. I heard a little voice in my head. I sighed as I got a white towel and entered the bathroom.


     It takes me twenty minutes to take a shower and five minutes for changing. Its a good thing that today is Friday, and the last day to take my finals.

     That's what you get. I also want to get out of college early.

     After brushing my hair, which goes to my mid back, and putting comfortable clothes: blue capris shorts and a white shirt with a logo on the back that says 'GTFO OF MY TERRITORY', I went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. I decided to make myself pancakes since its the easiest recipe to make in under 10 minutes. After finishing the pancakes mix, I started pouring it by using a spachula onto the pan. Then I looked at the calendar, which was above the stove.

       So I have AP US History and AP Chemistry. Then I sighed. I overwork myself too much.

     Then I heard footsteps walking towards the kitchen. Must be my aunt, who I live with. I hope she didn't bring her boyfriend. I thought with annoyance. My luck went down when I saw her boyfriend with messy, brownish hair, white muscle shirt and black boxers.

     Urh! I thought with disgust. I decided to ignore him by getting my earphones to my ears and put rock music from my iPhone5. After my pancakes was finished, I decided to eat them while walking all the way 'till school.


That is my first fanfic. Of course she doesn't meet you-know-who, so stay tuned! Until the next chapter!!! :)

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