Chapter 7

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    "Shouldn't you be addressing me as 'father'?"

     My eyes widen in shock. Father?????!!!! So this dude name Karl... is his father???!!!! I thought as I look at the pervert. I don't see the similar characteristics between them. He probably looks like his mother. Then I remembered something about them calling me 'human'. Aren't they also like me? Yet, what freaks me out is how ice-cold his arm was...

     "What is it?" The pervert asks, breaking my thoughts. I just noticed that I was staring at him for too long.

      I somewhat flustered. "N-Nothin." I stuttered as I stare at the floor.

     "Then why are you flustering, lamb?" He whispers at my  ear, making me feel chills down my spine.

     I immediately shoved my hand in his face with all my anger. "You such a flirt." I said with anger.

     I hear Karl laughing at my actions. "Mei, don't act like a male. Your a lady."

     I look at him with my hands still shoved in the perverts face. "I prefer being a tom-" I stopped for a couple of seconds and then continued, "Wait, how did you-"

      "Reiji said your name when I here." He said with a smile.

       I mentally groan as I crossed my arms over my chest. His smile almost reminds me of this flirt. Great. Just great.

      "What is it that you want? And why did you bring her here for?" Four-eyes, Reiji rather, said. When I hear his name, my brother immediately pops into my mind. His smile, his hugs, and worst his death. Just thinking about makes my heart throb painfully. 

       "All six of you will protect this girl." Karl said in a serious tone.

      Now he reminds me of fours-eyes. I thought. My eyes widen on what he just said some seconds ago. WAIT, WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!

      "YOU WANT US, " Subaru shouts, "TO PROTECT THIS?!" He yells as he points at me. I barely noticed he was feets away from me.

      I can feel my anger coming out. "DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT AS IF I WAS SOME OBJECT!!!" I yell at him. Then we start glaring at eachother.

     "Ok, both of you try not to fight, please. It'll create a blood bath." The perv said.

     "Don't get in the conversation you asshole!" Subaru and I shout at the pervert, looking at him. Then my eyes widen a little as I slightly gasped when we said the same thing.

     "Not only they said the same thing, their timing is also right." Ayato said sceptically. "Don't you think Kanato? Laito?" He asks the purple head with the teddy bear. And whose Laito?

     "Ne, ne, say something else." Kanato said as he got up

     "Ehh?? So there is somebody who can act like Subaru~" The perv said with curiousity.

      He must be Laito if there is nobody else here.

     "Don't compare me to-" Both Subaru and I stop shouting. Then we look at eachother with shocked faces. How the hell did we do that?!

     "Ooh~" Laito said as he clapped his hands once. "They stopped at the same time~" Laito said with a grin.

     "Asshole." Subaru and I cursed at eachother. I felt a vein pop. "Bitch. Go to hell. Fuck off." Both of us said-well, cursed at each other in unison. Laito and Ayato burst out laughing.

     "This is entertaining!" Laito said as he controls his laugh.

     "I know! A human girl and a vampire talking back at each other!!" Ayato said, which made him laugh again. When he said vampire, my eyes widen in shock as I froze.

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