Chapter 31

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Strange. My body is so lightweight. I don't feel any pain. I don't even know where I am, but I do know that its dark around me, yet I don't feel cold at all. I feel like I'm laying down somewhere comfy, as if I'm laying down on a cloud, drifting away somewhere.

I feel calm. This feeling is very soothing. I feel as if all my worries are down the drains. I feel protected. I feel safe. Very cliche, I know, but that's how I honestly feel.

Suddenly I open my eyes, only to see lots and lots of stars on the night sky. Strange, was I asleep the whole time?

Deciding that I should check my surroundings, I sit up, only to look down that I'm in my light-purple sleeping gown, making me groan in annoyance. "Great. What did I deserve to wear this piece of crap?" I said my thoughts out loud. Then a beautiful fragrance entered my nose as I look around me, only to be astonished when I'm around in a garden of many different type of roses. Red roses, blue roses, white roses, name them and their here!

I decided to stand up to my feet, noticing that I don't have any shoes, but I don't think that matters for the moment. I dusted off the dirt that was on my gown since I don't want any Reiji getting mad with me, only to shiver from the cold, gusting wind as I wrap my arms over my chest.

Finally, after a few seconds, it stopped. "Damn, that was cold." I thought to myself as I look forward, only to be astonished once again as I see a large tower that's in the middle of the garden of roses. "Damn." I said my thoughts out loud, my arms still wrapped in front of my chest.

I just hope it has an entry. I thought to myself. Its like I'm trying to enter inside rapunzel's tower. I add as I slowly walk towards the tower, which is quite a distance away from me. At least I have the garden of roses to admire at while I'm walking there.

I kept walking slowly as I make my way towards the tower. I kept rubbing my arms with my hands since the night is strangely windy. Then I stopped when I see a concrete floor so people can get to the right direstion. I just walk towards it, and walk on it since I can tell it will lead me to the tower. After some time walking, I stop when I see someone's looking down. From what I can see this person has long, white hair and what it seems to be a dress as their sitting on a bench.

A woman, I suppose? I thought as I start walking again. After getting closer, I notice it is a woman, but I never expected her to be beautiful. She has long, white hair that has a pinkish glow to it, a long, white dress that has some diamond figures in them to the point her necklace is connecting with her long, dress. Her hair is put into a bun while the strands are curled to her side. She's just looking down at her hands, holding onto a wilting, white rose.

She looks sad. I thought to myself since I know white roses mean purity and innocence, but since she's holding onto a wilting white rose, it means a loss of purity. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts away so I can focus back to why I'm here.

"Um... excuse me." I said, which made her gasp a bit as she rose her head towards me. She has beautiful from up close. She has beautiful blood, red eyes, despite the fact that's she's a bit pale, but overall she is extremely beautiful. Hell, she almost looks fragile by the way she looks at me.

Now that I mention it, she looks like someone I know. But who though?

"Your a..." She said something, almost as if its her first time seeing something extraordinary. Her voice is soft too.

I gave her a small smile as I let my right land warm up my left arm. "I don't mean to by rude, but-"

Suddenly she stands up as she let the wilting white rose fall to the ground, which caused me to walk back a bit as I felt alert.

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