Chapter 59 (The Gender Reveal), "It's a...."

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In Brad's car, three days later :

Brad : The kids and I just hung out... watched a couple of movies.

Jen : Oh.

Brad : So, what have you been up to?

Jen : I've just been working... and planning.

Brad : Yeah.

Jen : When will you be home?

Brad : Tonight.

Vivienne : Unless you get really sick.

Brad : Hey...

Brad turns his head, laughing at Viv in the backseat.

Vivienne : You know, cause you're old.

Brad : I'm not that old.

He's on his way to drop off the kids at Angelina's house, before getting his second shot of the vaccine.

Jen : He is kind of old, Vivienne.

Vivienne : See!

Jen : But, I'm sure your father will be fine.

Knox : Yeah, Viv... he'll be fine.

Brad shakes his head while laughing before shifting his attention back to his phone call with Jen.

Jen : You'll get your driver to take you right?

Driver : I'm here with him, Jen.

The driver turns his head as Brad raises his brow.

Brad : Yeah, he's here. Why?

Jen : You know, just in case.

Brad : What?

Jen : The side effects.

Brad : Jen, you said it yourself... I'll be fine.

Jen : Well, one can never be too safe.

Brad : I mean I might get a little reduced, but I'm sure it won't be too bad.

He clears his throat as they drive through Angelina's gate.

Jen : The party's on Friday, Brad. It would be a shame if you didn't feel good...

Shiloh : We're coming too!

Pax : Are we?

Vivienne : Yes.

Jen : I know guys... and I'm so excited!

Brad : Jen, don't worry about the party... I'll be fine.

Jen : Well, it's more you who I'm worried about.

Brad : Stop worrying so much then.

Jen : You know I can't.

Brad laughs, nodding.

Jen : Anyway, speaking of the party there's actually something I have to...

Brad : Oh, we're outside... I'll call you after the shot.

Jen : Oh, ok...

Knox : Bye, Jen!

Vivienne : I wanted to say bye first!

Brad : Guys...

At Court's house, the same time :

Amanda : Those kids...

Jen laughs, hanging up the phone.

Jen : Yeah.

Amanda : They sound like a handful.

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