Chapter 10, "Clearing Things Up".

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2 hours later :

Justin thankfully texted her back after she left Court's, agreeing to talking to her.

She'd much rather talk to Brad before talking to Justin, just to get some answers on what's really going on between them... but he's currently on his way to pick up the kids and spend the weekend with them.

Justin : Hey.

Jen : Hi...

Jen can sense the weird tension between them even through the phone.

Jen : How are you?

Justin : I'm fine. How are you... and Brad?

Jen : And there it is... you had to do it.

Justin : What?

Jen : You had to make a big deal out of it.

She takes a breath, trying to keep calm.

Justin : Well it is a pretty big deal Jennifer... he's your ex husband.

Him calling her by Jennifer and not Jen, lets her know things are about to get heated.

Jen : So? You're my ex husband too Justin! We are still friends.

Justin : That's different, I did not treat you the way he did... and yes we are friends. You and Brad are not friends.

Jen : Well... what we are and not are doesn't really matter.

Justin : Doesn't matter? You divorced him for a fucking reason Jen! Getting back together with him again just means you're right back where you were 15 years ago.

Feeling the tears pressing on in her eyes, Jen wonders if it's because she fears what he's saying is really true... or if it's just the fact that they're fighting.

Throughout their relationship they rarely fought, but her fights with Justin were the worst.

Jen : No... no it doesn't Jus. You're wrong. We're a lot older, he's a better man than he was.

Justin : Are you trying to convince me of that... or yourself?

Jen : I'm not trying to convince anyone... it's the truth!

She wipes a tear from her chin, feeling stupid for believing they could actually talk about this without it ending in her crying.

Justin : Then great. If you believe that's the truth... you don't need my blessing.

He hangs up, leaving Jen more lost than ever...

Half an hour later :

Knowing she couldn't be alone with all of this, Jen called Andrea asking if she could come over and talk to her.

Andrea : You need to talk to Brad.

Jen : I know.

Andrea : About everything... if you're really thinking about giving him another shot...

Andrea pauses looking at her.

Jen : I don't know... I thought I was.

Andrea : Then you need to tell him exactly how you feel. I know you're afraid... and so does Justin. He's just trying to look out for you...

Jen : You're right.

2 hours later :

Quarter past nine, Jen's back home after being at Andrea's.

However, she's feeling a bit down, not really wanting to be by herself.

Coming home to an empty house every day, apart from her dogs being there, all of a sudden doesn't feel as great as it once used to do.

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