Block the sounds and focus on me instead (Muke)

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The picture is everything.

Michael was like "Oh my god, I got Luke to pose like a kitty with me. We're so cute." and Luke was like "Michael's lucky he's cute."

Anyway... It's literally storming outside and my mom and dad are still at work and I'm SCARED AS BALLS. There's thunder every six minutes. I counted.

So I was like "hey I should write a story about this to remind me how I'm still single and got no one to calm me." True story.

Anywaay, also based from Soulja Boys' song "Kiss Me Through The Phone."

Michael likes to think that he's all punk rock and therefore is not scared of anything and basically is the manliest of all men. But sadly, he's far from punk rock nor the manliest.

Like right now is the biggest example of it.

It's bizarrely storming outside. Rain falling down mercilessly and thunder roaring so big it shook the house entirely. And like, no matter Michael try to deny that it's not affecting him, it is. Storms always affects Michael because he's petrified by it. And usually if Luke's home he would come to Michael's room and would ask Michael to cuddle him and sing to him because he's also scared and Michael's grateful for it because he gets to cuddle Luke and calms himself without having to ask and tell Luke that he's afraid of storms because that's not punk rock.

But right now Luke isn't home with him. Luke is back in Australia because Liz is sick and Luke wants to take care of her and leave Michael with Calum and Ashton. And even Calum and Ashton aren't home right now, off doing adventures or whatever they do when they're on a date.

Michael's been contemplating whether he should call Luke or not because he doesn't want to Luke to know how he actually scared of storms. His reputation is at stakes here. So he couldn't contain his gratefulness when his phone light up and showing that Luke is calling him. God bless Luke.

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" Luke's voice is chirpy as always and it makes Michael feels better. Slightly.

"Hey, yeah, I'm doing great. Calum and Ashton are leaving me for a date though. They're so inconsiderate." Michael tried to keep his voice steady, really, he is. But there's a big thunder booming as he speaks and he can't help but let his voice falter for a bit.

"You okay Mikey? Was that a thunder I heard?"

"Yeah, it's kinda storming in here. But I'm alright, I'm not afraid of anything." But his voice is betraying him when a big thunder roaring again.

"You sure...?" Luke's sounding genuinely concerned and Michael knew there's no way he could lie to Luke. Luke knows him better than himself.

"Yea, yeah. 'Course I am Luke, who do you think I am. I'm punk rock, there's no way I'm scared of.." Michael cut himself off to let out a yelp. That's it.

"Michael..." And yeah, he's so busted. "Why didn't you ever tell me that you're afraid of storms?"

"I'm not scared." He let out a pitiful whimper and he could feel Luke's questioning glance even from the phone. "Okay, fine, maybe a little bit. I just don't wanna tell anyone and make them make fun of me for it."

"But I'm scared of storms too! I would never make fun of you Michael." Luke's pouting. Michael knew it and he doesn't like it.

"I just.. I knew that you're afraid of storms and I want you to feel like I could keep you safe when you come to my room because you think I'm so brave. It's stupid, but I just want you to feel protected by me. Makes you think that I'm your knight in a shining armor or something." At this rate, Luke feel his heart swell because his boyfriend is literally the cutest and the best thing that ever been put on earth.

"I do baby. I always knew that you would always protect me from anything, you have been since you first met me. Remember when we 'hated' each other, but you saved me from those bullies who beat my ass off? I always thought of you as my knight in shining armor since then on. Until now Mikey, you still protect me, and love me, and make me feel safe, and I love you so much Mikey."

"I love you too Lukey. I miss you."

"I know babe, I'll be home in two days yeah? My mum's feels better already, and I already booked the ticket. We'll be seeing each other again soon." Michael could tell that Luke's smiling at him and he wishes he could see Luke smiling at him in person and not having to imagine his smile.

"Hey baby, I know something that could distract you from the storm. You know how you always hold me and sing to me whenever I came to your room whenever it's storming? I'm gonna sing to you, yeah? I know I couldn't really hold you right now, but just pretend okay."

"Sure, I'd love to hear your voice." Michael smiles. He loves it when Luke sings to him.

"Okay, so, I know this isn't really your type of song but I heard it on the radio earlier and I think of you when I heard it. It goes like this."

"Baby, I been thinking lately
So much about you
Everything about you, I like it, I love it
Kissing you in public
Thinking nothing of it
Roses by the dozen
Talking on the phone
Baby you so sexy your voice is so lovely
I love your complexion
I miss ya, I miss ya, I miss ya
I really wanna kiss you but I can't

Baby you know that I miss you
I wanna get with you tonight but I cannot babyboy
And that's the issue
Boy you know I miss you
I just wanna kiss you
But I can't right now so baby kiss me thru the phone
(kiss me thru the phone)
See you later on..
Kiss me thru the phone
(kiss me thru the phone)
See you when I get home"

"Whose song is that? I think I need to download it."

"Soulja Boy."


"I know right? But the song is really good though, and I think it fits for us right now so hey why not?"

"I wish I could kiss you right now, Hemmings."

"Likewise Cliffy. But I could settle with a kiss through the phone for now."

"You cheesy bastard. And call me Cliffy once again, I'll throw you off a cliff. I'm not joking." Of course he is, he wouldn't throw Luke off a cliff. He'll jump right in just to be with Luke again.

"It's fit for you kitten. Anyway I gotta go. Mum's calling, I think she needs me for something. Bye Mikey, I love you."

"I love you too Lukey, tell Liz I said hi. and oh, send me your kiss."

"Okay, I'll tell her. Talk to you later Mikey. Mwah."

"Bye for now Lukey. And mwah too, I guess."

"We basically just reenacting Soulja Boy's song without really meaning it."

"I guess we are. Okay, I shouldn't keep you from Liz, she might needs you for something. Love you Luke."

"Love you too Mikey." And the line went dead.

And if all night Mikey blocked the sounds of storms with "Kiss Me Through The Phone" blasting all night, imagining that Luke sing it to him instead. No one has to know.

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