Hearts on fire tonight (Cashton)

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This one is requested by @1Dharrypotterfan. I almost drown in my own feels bc Cashton is one of my otp.

Just so you know, I actually ship all the boys with each others but Lashton and Cashton is my #1 like they just so cute.

Though the tittle is from ATL song, it has nothing to do with it. I'm just a tad bit obsessed to the song.



Ashton sat alone on his and Calum's bed. Tears falls freely from his beautiful Hazel eyes as they scan his phone screen.

@whoeverhatesCashton: Eww, I still don't get why @Calum5SOS picked Ashton Irwin as his boyfriend when he got @Luke5SOS and @Michael5SOS by his side

@bitchesthatsnotevenfan: I don't get what's so cute about Cashton, they're the most suckish pair if you asked me.

@Bitchthatnoonelikes: I bet @Calum5SOS doesn't really love @Ashton5SOS! He probably just pity him

Tweets upon tweets says almost the same thing about his relationship with his boyfriend of a year.

They say that they would never accept of Cashton

They say that Cashton is the least liked "bromance" so they should break up.

And the most hurtful is the ones who says that Calum never really loved him, that it was all just a pity. That one broke Ashton so much.

How do you feel when everyday you're being told that the one you love so much would never love you? It hurts. And Ashton have to deal with it everyday.

Ashton's sobs increased as the tweets rolled in and he wants nothing more than none of to boys to enter the room.

But, as if on cue, there's a soft knock on the door, followed by Luke's Blonde head peeking in the room.

"Hey Ash do you want... ASH? Why are you crying?" The taller boy quickly walk to bed where Ashton sat in.

"Ashton? What happened? Why are you crying? Is it Calum? What did he do to you? Where is he anyway? I swear I'll kick him if it's him." Luke said through gritted teeth, his overprotective side showing in.

"No! Luke no! It's not Calum. It would never be him.. I hope..." Ashton says as he try to wipe away his tears.

Luke let out a sigh at his friend's state and decide to sit with Ashton. He pull the older boy to his chest and softly brush his hair with his fingers.

"Hey, tell me what happened Ash? What got you so upset?"

"It's just.. The fans.. They've been saying things like how Calum never really love me, and how they should end up with you or Michael because it makes more sense, and they say they would never support Cashton, and it just hurt Luke." Ashton's tears falls again as he tell Luke the story.

"I get what they say Luke. I know that I'm just an intruder in the group. It was you, Calum, and Michael. I was not in the picture on the first place, but then I came along and Calum suddenly love me? How could that makes sense? It's should be you or Michael that he loves, not me. I'm nothing compared to you two." Ashton cried louder and Luke wants nothing more than to cry with him because, why would Ashton think like that? It's obvious that Calum loves him more than anyone in the world.

"I tried to ignore them, but it hurts Luke. It hurts so much." Luke tried to comfort Ashton, really he did, but the older boy didn't stop crying at all.

"I can't take this anymore Luke, it hurts. Just please, help me." Luke never sees Ashton like this before. Sure, he's seen the boy upset but never like this. Never did he see Ashton crying so hard that he looks like he's hurting physically. Or maybe he did.

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