We're here, we love you (C.A.L.M)

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Basically the one where Michael's having separation anxiety and he wakes up with none of the boys beside him so he panics.

P.s: I keep falling asleep everywhere, I need help.

P.p.s: I have a crush on a guy named Ryan, he plays drum. He could bang me like he bangs his drum basically. lol.


Have you ever woke up in the morning because for some reason you have this queasy feelings and it's just impossible for you to sleep it away?

That's how Michael woke up this morning.

He, for some reason, waken up at 7.15 am (he checks the clock, he knows). Something that is very unusual for him. He always slept at least until midday when they don't have any works to do.

But the fact that he woke up alone, with no trace of his three bandmates and lovers, scares him. He never woke up alone, there would always at least one of the boys that would still be snuggling to him or at least stay in the bed with him because they knew Michael hates waking up alone.

He tried to listen to any noises that would signified that the other boys are there. Probably the usual sound of Luke singing in the bathroom, the sound of the tv playing morning cartoons that Calum usually watch, or maybe the clinking sound of Ashton making breakfast. Anything. But he only met with silence and it makes his chest tightened.

He shot up from his bed, searching through the entire house for any sign of the other boys but nada. He couldn't find them and he could feel himself panicking and he's starting to tear up, and he's crying.

He's shaking, and he's crying, and he needs his boys, and their presence, and their cuddles. So he got up and go to his room again and search for his phone.

He press one of his speed dial (it could be Ashton, or was it Luke? Maybe Calum? He doesn't care really as long as they answer the call)

"W-where are you? Come home, please come home." He doesn't even bother to say hello first. He need his boys and he need them now.

"Mikey? Shït, you okay baby? Why are you crying?" Apparently, it's Calum.

"Woke up, and you guys not here. Where are you? Please come home, I need you three. Please" Michael's whining and Calum's heart broke hearing his baby so upset.

"Sorry we left you babe, we just out buying you breakfast. We'll be back in 5 okay? Stay in your bed and wait us for cuddles. You can do that baby?"

"Yeah, yeah I could. Just come home fast okay?"

"Yes, I promise. Love you babe. Ash, Lukey come on Michael's waiting for us."

Michael could still hear Ashton and Luke asking Calum if he's okay before the phone clicked off.

Exactly 5 minutes later, Michael hear the front door being opened and there's footsteps running upstairs and his bedroom door being opened and soon he's being engulfed by three boys that he loves so much.

"Sorry we left you, we just thought that we would wake you up with your favorite breakfast. Sowwy Mikeeeey."Luke says as he nuzzle his face on the crook of the older boy's neck, making the older boy sighing in content.

"S'okay. Just don't do that again. You guys knew I hate waking up alone."

"We know Mikey. Sorry." Ashton says as he tightened his grip on Michael's waist.

"Mhm. Love you guys."

"Love you too Mikey."

And so they spent their day eating Michael's favorite breakfast and cuddle all day whilst watching superhero movies.

And Michael could only thank god that he's having the best boyfriends ever.


I love cuddly, clingy, Michael. Don't you?

Btw, what's you favorite emoji?

Mine's the poop face 💩. Idk, it's cute. lol

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