Blue eyed boy (Narry AU)

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I kinda just go with my instinct and let my fingers type what they want.

I hope it doesn't sucks. Lol.


Harry POV

I quickly ran out of my class as fast as I could, not even caring about the people that I knocked while I'm running. This is more important than stoping to apologize to them.

I carry on running out of my school building, letting my feet taking me to the place that I know would bring me to him.

The boy of my dream.

Once I reached the oh-so-familiar park, I walk inside until I found a bench near the fountain. And just like usual, he's there.

Now, before you think I'm stalking him or whatever... I'm not. I just like to watch him sitting there, reading a book to himself, in a good day (like today) he would bring his guitar and sing softly.

Okay, fine, I'm stalking him.

But today, instead of just watching him like I usually do, I planned on talking to him. Which makes my heart go crazy.

I took one step forward until I finally in front of the bench and braving myself to sit beside him.

He smell like peppermint and cookie, which is weirdly nice. And up close, I could see some brown roots in his mop of blonde hair. I could see his amazingly beautiful blue eyes that I could only see from a far. But now, seeing them up close, they're even more amazing.

Let's just say he looks really nice up close. I like it.

He doesn't seems to notice me sitting there because he seems so busy with his guitar, so out of reflect I do the unexpected. I tap him on the shoulder.

He let out a surprise squeak and jump up a little, making me freeze in an instant.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I apologize after I see a terrified expression in his cute face.

"It's okay, I guess.. What can I help you?" He says with his Irish accent. Fuck it, can this boy be anymore hot?

"I-I-I j-just." Come on Harry, speak normally! You're embarrassing yourself. "Uhm, you play?" I ask, pointing to his guitar?

"Oh, this? Yeah, I played it since I was still a little kid. Been my friend for so long." His lips form a breathtaking smile, and I'm sure my face is almost as red as tomato now.

"Oh, great. Uhm, sorry, I haven't introduce myself. I'm Harry. Harry Styles."

"M Niall. Niall Horan." Niall Horan... It suits him.

"So Niall, do you mind playing it? I want to hear you." I ask shyly, hoping Niall didn't think I'm weird.

"Sure not. What song do you want?"


As soon as he strum his guitar I could feel myself fall deeper for him. "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran is what he's playing, and to be honest it's perfect.

He then start to sing as well, and his voice is total perfection. I can't hold myself, and soon I'm joining him with the song.

Niall seems surprised that I sing with him but he just look at me and smile. Making my heart flutter even more.

After the song finished, we both look at each other and grin. Happy with how we sounded.

"You have a beautiful voice Harry." I feel blush start to creep from his compliment.

"Not as beautiful as you. I mean, your voice." Niall just chuckle lightly at how nervous I am.


And then silence.

"Look, it's 5 already. I gotta go. See you Harry." With that he start to stand up and bringing his guitar with him.


"What is it?"

"C-can I ask for you number? I mean, you're a great guy, and I want to keep in contact with you."

"Sure." Niall smile brightly. He then proceed to take out his phone from his pocket and hand it to me and I do just the same.

After we both have each others number, we put our phone back and he smile at me again.

"So, can I go now?" He teasingly ask me.

"Yeah, sure. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You're cute Harry." He pinch my cheek and start to walk away.

I watch as he start to walk out of the park and disappearing with people around him.

I actually kinda disappointed that he has to go, but oh well at least I got his number.

Just when I think that, I feel my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. I quickly pull it out, seeing 1 new message from Niall.

"You know what Harry, I don't mind if you're asking my phone number so you could ask me out on a date, not just 'keeping in contact' ;)"

I was just about to reply but Niall beat me to it.

"Meet me tomorrow at 2 at the same place, I'm taking you on a date ;)"

Let's just say I let out a fangirl squeak over that text.

"Sure, I'll be there."

Though my reply seems cool, trust me, I'm the total opposite of that. But who cares, Niall Freaking Horan, the boy that I've been stalking and have a crush on for the last 2 month is asking me on date.

I have every right to be a fangirl right now.

Whohoooo Narry.

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